sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011
ESPN to share Spanish soccer rights with GolTV - The Business Review (Albany):
One member of La Liga, Real Madrid, has made headlined recently acquiring two of the biggest names in thesport -- Kaka and Cristiani Ronaldo. Ronaldo's transfer recently made wavesx for being the most expensive transfer inthe sport's Matches will be shown on both ESPN2 and ESPN Deportes, as well as ESPN Deportes and will also have rights to Copa del Rey, Spain’e domestic cup tournament. "We’rew thrilled to work with GolTcV to showcase La Liga on ESPN for the firsf time to soccer fans inthe U.S.
With the pendinv addition of Cristiano Ronaldoiand Kaka, the timing is greay to include this great property to the ESPN Deportes line-up, as it is the most excitinv soccer league in the world today," Lino general manager of ESPN Deportes, said in a
quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011
Downtown Staybridge Suites seeks receivership - Triangle Business Journal:
SJ Properties Suites Buycl EHF, which includes an investor from Iceland, filed the petition Monday in Milwaukee Count yCircuit Court. Judge Mel Flanagan scheduled a hearinf for June 30 on a motiom to appoint Milwaukee attorney Seth Dizardd asthe receiver. Work stopped in Decembere 2008 onthe high-rises at 1150 N. Water Street when the constructiomn manager and developer DOC Milwaukeebecamed insolvent, according to the receivership petition. The Icelandic investorz said that in November 2006 they provided an advanceof $17.4 million for a 120-roo m extended stay hotel and at least 18 luxury The project also received $13.
4 million in financinb from a unit of in Atlanta, whicgh in May was placedd in receivership by the FDIC. The Milwaukew receivership petition said the propertgy on Water Street already has flooring and fixtures in the Staybridge portion of Liens against the project totalo morethan $3.4 million, according to the receivership The largest liens were filed by Milwaukee-arez contractors and suppliers Uihleibn Electric, , and Klein-Dickert. SJ Properties recently sued DOC Milwauke and Economou Partnersin U.S. District Courtf in Milwaukee claiming a fraudulent transfetr of funds intended for the WatetStreet project.
segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011
SBA expecting
These “floor plan” loans also are available to dealer thatsell motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles and mobiler homes. Under the program, the SBA will guarante 75 percent of a floor plan line of credit rangingfrom $500,000 to $2 million. The loanws will be made throughthe SBA’s network of private-sector The SBA started this economic stimulus program in response to pleas from vehicl e dealers, whose sources of financing have drieed up. U.S. auto manufacturers stopped accepting new requestse for vehicleinventory loans, and four major floor plan lenders started closin existing lines of credit.
“We’vs clearly heard that there is a need for this type of saidEric Zarnikow, associate administrator for the SBA’x Office of Capital Access. It’s unclear, how many auto dealers will be able to take advantage ofthe SBA’z loans. Only 30 percent of auto dealers have vehicle inventorieas worth lessthan $2 Also, the program may not be attractive enough to lenders. The economic stimulus legislation enabled the SBA to increasde its guarantee onregular 7(a) business loans to 90 The guarantee on floor plan loans, however, is only 75 Zarnikow said the lower guaranter on floor plan loans reflects that the agencgy has never made them beforse and didn’t want to take “undue risks” on a pilot To participate in the program, lenderds also must have designated staf responsible for making and servicing floo r plan loans, and they must have specific policiees and procedures for such loans.
Small or relatively new flood plan lenders canmake SBA-guaranteed floor plan loans only to currenf customers. Zarnikow said the SBA expects thers will bea “ramp-up before it starts receiving a lot of floo plan loan requests. The pilof program will run through 30, 2010. The SBA then will decide whether tocontinu it. Another new SBA loan program the much-awaited emergency bridge loans for small businesses of alltypews — is growing slowly. The agencu began accepting applicationsfor America’s Recovery Capitak loans June 15. As of July 2, the agenc y had approved 228 ARC loanwtotaling $7.
6 million submitted by 112 lenders in 34 Through this program, which was created by the economix stimulus bill, small businesses can borrow up to $35,000 to make up to six months of payments on existing debt. Borrowerds won’t have to start repaying the ARC loans until a year aftee they receive their last ARCloan disbursement. The loans are interest-freer to the borrower. Instead, the SBA will pay the lender a monthluy interest rate of prime plus 2 percentage points. The SBA also will guarantee 100 percent ofthe loan’ws amount.
Some SBA lenders, however, say they wouldn’ty make enough money off the loans to justifyt the trouble of makingthe loans, and some complain the SBA’s guidelines for the loans were too vague. Two federapl agencies will begin accepting applications July 14for $4 billiomn in loans and grants to expands broadband access to rural America and othet underserved areas. The National Telecommunications and Information which is part of the Departmentof Commerce, and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’as Rural Utilities Service will award the The two agencies plan to use a single application which will make it easier for applicante and ensure that projects funded by each agency are Applications in this round aredue Aug. 14. Two more roundxs of funding will bedistributee later, bringing the total for these stimulus-fundes broadband programs to $7.2 billion. The NTIA will use its $4.7 billionb share of funding to expandr public computer center capacity and encourage adoptionn ofbroadband service, in addition to buildin g broadband infrastructure.
“This first wave of fundingh will helpcreate jobs, jump-start additional investmenty and provide model projects that can better inform our national broadbandc strategy,” Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, said this funding is especially importanty forrural areas, such as much of her district. “I have talked to many executive who have told me that they canno t invest in greater Arizona because of our lack ofInternegt service,” Kirkpatrick said. “We will now be able to bridge the coveragee gap and stay competitive in theglobal economy.
” The Nationaol Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded $167 million in economic stimulus funds for 50 marined and coastal habitat restoration projectsx in 22 states and two territories. The projects will restorwe morethan 8,900 acres of habitat and open more than 700 stream miles for fish migration and spawning. They also will removed more than 850 metric tons of rebuild oyster beds and reduce threats to coral NOAA selected the winning projects from amony814 proposals. The selection criteria included ecological whether the projectswere “shovel ready,” and the number of jobs that would be created.
The projects will employ workeras ranging from laborers and nurseryt workers to design engineerwsand botanists. The projectas also will “restore habitat for valuable fish and wildlifw and strengthen coastal making them more resilientto storms, sea-level rise and other effects of climatde change,” NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchencoi said.
sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011
Bennet cites Colorado examples in Senate plea for health-care reform - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Coloradans, he said, "speak for countless othersz acrossthe nation. All they ask for is a health care systej that worksfor them, a health care system that doesn’t crush them with unreasonablre cost increases, and a health care system that doesn’t deny them coveragw just because they have pre-existiny conditions." Bennet, D- also touted his own proposals to make patien t transition care more cost-effective and successful. "Inh Colorado, we haven’t waited on he said. "We’ve made real progress in showing how to providde high quality health care at alower cost.
" formerly superintendent of the Denver Public Schools, was appointe d to the Senate by Gov. Bill Rittedr to fill the seat vacated by Ken Salaza when Salazar was picked by President Baracmk Obama as secretary ofthe Interior. Here is the full text of Bennet'a Senate-floor speech as prepared for delivery Thursday, providw by his staff. In the speech, he is addressinfg the president ofthe Mr. President, I rise today to discuss the urgent need for healthcare reform. The peoplew of Colorado, and the Americah people, have waited for too long for Washingtomto act. We shoulrd begin with a basic principle: if you have coveragd and you like it, you can keep it.
If you have your and you like himor her, you should be able to keep them as We will not take that choice away from you. But even as we keep what we must confront the challenges of soaring health care costs and the lack of access to affordable, quality healthg care. The status quo is unacceptable. Everyu day, families in Colorado and acrosxs America facerising premiums. Their plans offer fewer benefits. They are denied coveragr becauseof pre-existing conditions. And untilo we fix the health care system, we won’t be able to fix the fiscakl mess in which wefind ourselves. Sinc e 1970, the share of healthcare as a part of the GDP has gone from 7 percentf to17 percent.
The United States spendxs over $2 trillion in health care costs, includiny over $400 billion on Medicare alone. President Obama has said that the biggesft threat toour nation’s balance sheet is the skyrocketinyg cost of health care. And he’s right. In Colorado, we haven’g waited on Washington. We’ve made real progress in showinfg how to provide high quality health care at alowerd cost. Last week, the New Yorket magazine published an articlweentitled “The Cost Conundrum” that highlightws the important work that’s been done in Mesa Colorado.
Over thirty years ago this communituyserving 120,000 people came together—doctors, and the non-profit healtjh insurance company. They agreed upon a system that paid doctors and nurses for seeinv patients and producing betterquality care. They realized that problemsz and costs go down when care is more InMesa County, the city of Graned Junction implemented an integrated healthg care system that provides follow-up care with patients. This follow-u p care has helped lower hospital readmissions rates in Grand Junctionh to just 3 Compare that to the 20 percent rate and it is clear that our community on the Wester Slope of Colorado is ontosomething groundbreaking.
High readmission rate are a huge problem forour seniors. Nearly one in five Medicared patients who leave a hospital are readmitted withi n thefollowing month, and more than three-quarters of thes readmissions are preventable. Rehospitalization costs Medicareover $17 billion a It’s painful for patients and families to be caughtg up in these cycles of treatment. All too care is fragmented – you go from the to the hospital, to a nursinhg home, back to the hospital and then back to thedoctot again. Patients are given medication instructions as they are leaving the many times after coming off ofstrong medications.
They don’tt know whom to call, and they are not sure what to ask theird primarycare doctor. The solution, both our Denver and Mesa Count health communitieshave found, is to providse patients leaving the hospital with a “coach.” This coacu is a trained health professional connecting home and the hospital. This coachh teaches patients how to manage their health ontheitr own.
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
Holland & Hart
Castle will oversee water and science policy for thesprawling land-use agency, and will be responsible for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamationm and the U.S. Geological Survey. “Anne Castle has more than 25 yearsa of experience inwater rights, water quality, and naturap resources law,” Secretary of the Interior Ken a former Colorado senator and attorney said in a statement. “Iu welcome Anne to our leadershilp team and look forward to workin with her on the majore water and science challenges we fromclimate impacts, to droughty and regional water issues.” The U,S, Senate voted Friday to confirm Castle.
She has served on a numberd of Colorado panels concerned with water andland use, includintg the South Platte River Basin Task the Colorado Ground Water Commission, and the Genesew Water and Sanitation District. At Denver-based Hollaned & Hart, the largest locallu based firm, Castle has focused on water rights issues. She is a former chairwoman of Hollanr & Hart’s management committee and of its naturaklresources department. In 2005 she was a finalist for the DenvereBusiness Journal’s “Outstanding Women in in the professional services category. . .
segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011
Boulder County on accident alert as snow threatens evening commute - Daily Camera
Boulder County on accident alert as snow threatens evening commute Daily Camera Longmont is on accident alert as of about 3:05 pm (Richard M. Hackett/Times-Call) Boulder County and Longmont are on accident alert this afternoon, meaning people involved in non-injury accidents should exchange information and call police later. ... |
sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011
Budget deal includes impact fee freeze, may include property tax cuts - Denver Business Journal:
The state could have a budgetr by early next week that closesa $4 billiomn budget deficit. The budget deal includes a $250 milliojn repeal of a state property tax item that was temporarily repealefd in 2005 but would come back next year without There were some murmurs at the state Capitool thatthe “equalization rate” property tax item mighft not be in the budget deal. But advocatess of the tax repeal -- including Tim state president ofthe -- say it is stilo in there.
Some critics of the budget and opponentsa of repealing the equalization rate questioned Fridagy whether it will be in the final budget documenr which could be voted on early next week but has not beenfully disclosed. The budget pact also looks to cut secondaryh commercial property tax rates from 20 percentr incrementally to15 percent. Secondary property taxes are assessmentsx on commercial owners that special hospital andotherd districts, no-bonds cities and other governmengt entities take out for varioues uses. Lawless said that secondarh cut and the equalization rate repea will helpthe state’s The budget deal also calls for a two-yeae freeze on development impact fee increases.
City governmentes throughout the state and Valleyt assess the fees on home builders and developers to help offseyt the costs of their The and NAIOP had pushed fora three-yeaf moratorium which would have temporarily zeroedc out local impact fees, but the budget compromise includes a freez which allows existing rates to stay in place but bars increasew for two years. City governmentas have opposedthe moratorium. The property tax along with aproposed flat-rate personal incomes tax, are aimed at bringiny more Republicans into a Brewer-backer budget deal that also includee a referendum asking voters to approve a three-year, one percentage poinf increase to the state’s 5.
6 percent saled tax.
quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011
Official: Italian freed in Nigeria's oil-rich delta after a day of captivity ... - Washington Post
CHANNELS | Official: Italian freed in Nigeria's oil-rich delta after a day of captivity ... Washington Post That violence waned in 2009 with a government-sponsored amnesty program. However, Nigerians and expatriates in the area still live in fear of kidnappings. Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. » |
terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011
Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Charlotte Business Journal:
The new rules encourage those companies to awar executives stock that must be held for a long periocand can’t be entirely converted to cash until the TARP moneyy is repaid to the government. the department contends, will align incentives with those of shareholdersand taxpayers.” Kenneth a mediator who led the Septembe r 11th Victim Compensation Fund, will review payments and compensation plansx at companies that have received “exceptional assistance.” The group included Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) as well as , , , Financial Services and . TARP recipients also must allo w shareholders to vote on executivrcompensation packages.
And they must disclose any perks worth morethan $25,00o0 made to highly compensated employees and justifh the benefit. The rules prohibit companies from providing payments to senior executives to covetr taxes dueon perks. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithnerr says the Obama administrationm also supports legislation that would require all publicx companies to give shareholders a nonbinding vote on executivrecompensation packages. In addition, he says Congresas should give the Securities and Exchange Commissionn the power to make compensation committeesmore independent, similatr to the standards in place for audit committees establishedd by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Geithner blames executive compensation practiceds asa “contributing factor” for the financia l crisis. “Incentives for short-term gain overwhelmed the checks and balances meant to mitigatde against the risk ofexcess leverage,” he says. But, he adds, “Wwe are not capping pay. We are not setting fort precise prescriptions for how companies shouldset compensation, whichh can often be counterproductive.
Instead, we will continuwe to work to develop standards that rewardf innovation andprudent risk-taking, without creating misaligned
domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011
Human Capital: People on the move, June 5 - Portland Business Journal:
, a Boston-based technology company serving students, educators and employers, adderd Ted Fischer as executive vice presidenftof sales, partnerships and strategic Fischer was previously a partner at . Sun Life Financiakl names Deschenes senior VP and GM of its annuities divisionThe U.S. division of , basef in Wellesley, named Stephenb Deschenes senior vice president and general manager of itsannuities division.
Deschenexs joins Sun Life from , where he servedx as senior vice president and chiecf marketing officer for the retirement income Furman Gregory LLC adds Deptulq as partner Furman GregoryLLC , a Boston-based corporatd law firm now known as Furmab Gregory Deptula, added Georged Deptula as a Deptula most recently practiced at Vena, Deptula LLP, and continues his practice in trial and appellate legal services, and mediation and ADR. Williakm A. Berry & Son promotes Corcoran as project designerWilliam A. Berry & Son Inc.
, a Danvers-base construction management firm, promoted Josie Corcoran to project She has served as a project manager at the firm for the past nine Nixon Peabody's Milder elected chairman of ; Braic named to firm's IP team Forres Milder , a partner in the Bostojn office of Nixon Peabody LLP , was electesd chairman of the American Bar Association ’s Forum on Affordablre Housing and Community Development for the 2009-2010 year. In othetr firm news, Nixon Peabody added Ravinderjit “Ravi” Braich to its intellectual properth department in the Boston office as apaten specialist.
terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011
Nutt leaves United Guaranty - Washington Business Journal:
Nutt left Friday and has been replace d by new CEOEric Martinez, according to Davidf Monfried, a spokesman for AIG based in New York. Localo officials with Greensboro-based United Guaranty said they couldnot comment. Monfried coulc not comment on the circumstancesof Nutt’s departure from the company. Nutt has been CEO of United Guarantysince 2001. United Guarantty employs about 500 peoplein Greensboro. Like others in the mortgagse insurance business, it has been hit hard by the nationwideehousing bust. In the first quarter of this year the unit reportesd operating lossesof $483 million.
The new CEO Eric Martinez has been with AIG since January and managedthe just-concludex sale of a $1.2 billio n real estate holding by the company in Monfried said Martinez has also been involvedx in a “deep strategic review” of United Guaranty. Monfriex said there are no other operational changes at United Guarantgy to announce atthis time.
domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011
Top retailers located in Tampa Bay mean big numbers for real estate - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
A survey released last month by the of morethan 3,000 mall managers and marketing directors in the United Statess and Canada chose , , , and Stever & Barry's University Sportswear as the retailers to keep an eye on this With the exception of Steve Barry's, the retailers appeal to upscale consumers -- the kind that are drivin growth in the Tampa Bay And all but Steve Barry's have a presence here. The big winner is , where three of the four hottest retailersare located. The Apple store is the only one in the Bay and Coach can only be founc there and at Westfield Southgate in For Williams-Sonoma, International Plaza is one of four locatione in the area.
Having those shops unded one roof "brings together the synergy that consumera in Tampa Bay havebeen missing," said Aj Jemison, GM of Internationapl Plaza. Williams-Sonoma also has locations in Old HydePark Village, Westfielfd Citrus Park and Westfield Southgate, while White House/Black Market is in Old Hyde Park Baywalk in St. Petersburg and on St. Armand'w Circle in Sarasota. David Conn, senior VP for retaik services atin Tampa, said of the four upscalse retailers, "If you could land them in one of your it says something about your malls." For a long time, the Tampqa Bay area wasn't considered wealthy enougg to attract high-end retailers such as and .
"Oned day we crossed that magic Conn said. Retailers "looi for some magic number, whichj they think means there is enougb money out there to supporttheir stores." Once an area lands one or two high-enf retailers, it is likely to attract "There's a herd mentality," Conn For the Tampa Bay area, the boominy population and the creation of well-paying jobs are drawing such he said.
James West, senior VP for real estate forWhitwe House/Black Market, said the retailer, which is a subsidiaryh of Fort Myers-based , "opens in markets with high growth potentiapl and a demographic profile that fits a similare profile to our target That target shopper is 25 to 50 years old and likes feminine and uniqu e clothing sold in a boutiqude atmosphere. Pat Westerhouse, GM of Old Hyde Park said White House/Black Market and Williams-Sonoma are both "destinatioj stores" that draw shoppers to the center. Williams-Sonoma was one of the originapl tenants ofthe center, which opened in and has expanded twice since that time.
Its firsyt shop was about 2,500 or 3,000 square feet. In the company moved to a 6,500-square-foot site in a cornert of what once wasdepartment story," Westerhouse said. The closest Steve & Barry's is located in Orlando, and the which offers low-cost collegs sweatshirts and similar apparel, tends to move into malls that have lost ananchort tenant, Conn said. Although he hasn'yt heard talk of Steve & Barry's comingh to the Bay area, Conn said a likelty location would beUniversity Mall, where JC Pennegy has announced it will closse and move to the Shops at Wiregrass, being builyt in Pasco County.
One of the next entries into the Tampa Bay area retaiol scene will be Lakeside Village insouthwest Lakeland, whicuh is scheduled to open in The shopping and entertainment center will have the firstg 's department store in the area and will also brinvg businesses like Chico's, , , Macaroni Grill and Lee Roy Selmon's to Polk said Steve Scruggs, executive director of the . "The Polk Countuy market hasn't had a lot of upscale national retailers," Scruggs said.
"Most of the peoples that have had the wherewithal to be able to shop at thosw types of locations have been traveling back and fortnh to Tampa and Orlando That means anestimates $300 million to $400 million in retai l sales is being spent annually outside the Once the $80-million, 630,000-square-foot project is "it will give us the opportunity to captured some of that," Scruggs
sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011
Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - Business First of Buffalo:
Among them is administrative efficiency. Aim: Identify districts that have tight budgets andlean staffs. Formula: Each district is assesseds inthree areas: (1) spending per pupil, (2) ratio of pupilsw per administrative staffer, and (3) share of budgetr devoted to debt The best scores go to districts with low high pupil-staffer ratios, and small amounts of debt service. Administrative efficiency is not the same asthe cost-effectiveness rankingas that will be released later this week. This category reflectsx fiscal prudence, regardless of outcome. Cost-effectivenessa links academic performanceand spending.
Districts are ranked on a five-staf scale from most efficient (which receive five to least efficient (one star). Each district’s administrative efficiency rating is included in its profilw in the printed version ofBusinesd First’s 2009-2010 Guide to Western New York Leader: Frontier has the leanest administration in Western New with one staffer for every 358.7 (The regional average is one per 163.) And debt servics takes only 3.2 percent of Frontier’s budget. 1. Frontier • 2. Lancaster • 3. Letchworthh • 4. North Tonawands • 5. West Seneca 6. Williamsville • 7. Portville • 8. Cheektowaga-Maryvale 9. Clarence • 10. Iroquois 11.
Orchard Park • 12. East Aurora
quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011
EMC beefs up Mass. presence with Cambridge lab, MIT sponsorship deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Hopkinton, Mass., storagew and information managementgiant (NYSE: EMC) said Wednesday the Media Lab sponsorship is one of severalp initiatives coordinated out of EMC Research Cambridge, whicyh will be located at 11 Cambridge Ctr. in Mass. The center will house EMC’a security-business research lab, RSA Laboratories, as well as abouft a dozen researchers, technologists and business leadersacross EMC’ s business units.
The company also has researcyh facilities in China andSanta Clara, “Research and advanced technology groups across EMC, alongt with our global university research are discovering and exploring new technologies that will shape the futuree of digital information,” said Jeff EMC senior vice president and chied technology officer, in a “This is an incredible opportunityt for EMC to bring together some of the world’s leadinyg research minds and innovators in areas such as personalk information management, information integration and cloud As a consortium sponsor of the MIT Media Lab, EMC will be able to accesss the center’s research on how peoplwe use and interact with new technologies.
EMC said its initial collaborationn will be on new models for data ownershipand usage, interfaces for business transactions and health care IT A consortium sponsorship costs $200,000 per year for a minimumn of three years. Sponsors receive full intellectual property rightxs to technology developed at the lab durinbgtheir sponsorship. The announcement comes a week after EMC and a grouop of universities and technologty companies announced the development of a high performance computing researchy facilityin Holyoke, Other tech giants have built dedicated R&sD lab in Cambridge in recent (Nasdaq: MSFT), (Nasdaq: and (NYSE: IBM) buily research centers in the city in the past two
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011
For MilVets, a long journey to campus prominence - CU Columbia Spectator
For MilVets, a long journey to campus prominence CU Columbia Spectator Founding members of the MilVets, say that the group's recent activism is a far cry from their humble beginnings in 2002. By Margaret Mattes This is the first in a two-part feature on the rise of the US Military Veterans of Columbia University. ... |
sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011
Catskills restaurant files for bankruptcy - The Business Review (Albany):
The Shamrock House is marking its 71st year in East Greene County, according to the company web It’s unclear if the busineses intends to remain open as it restructures its debte in bankruptcy court. A woman who answered the phone todahy said thecompany president, John J. is referring questions to his attorney. The Richard Croak in was out of the offics and unavailablefor comment. Greene County Tourism Directod Daniela Marino saidshe didn’t know what the businesds plans to do. She said the Shamrock House is an example of the traditional resorts in the Catskills that have anethnicv theme. “It’s been a very tougnh year,” Marino said.
“The economy being what it is, unfortunatelyt these things may happen.” Another resort in Greene County, the much-larged , filed for bankrupty protectionin June. It will continuse operating while its owners search for a Despitethe setbacks, Marinp said there are successful resorts in the county. “We’rwe pretty optimistic because most of the hotels and restaurantd have been ableto modernize,” she said. The Shamrocko House has $500,000 to $1 million in liabilitiezs and lessthan $50,000 in assets, according to a petition filed June 29 in in Albany. The largesgt secured claim is a $514,09 5 mortgage.
The lender isn’t identified in the The largestunsecured claim, $49,000, is held by The second largest is held by , $39,112, for creditg card charges.
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011
Alameda seeks move into old City sports bar site - Phoenix Business Journal:
According to the , a business called the Alamedw Brewhouse Annex has filed for a liquor licens at424 S.W. Fourth Ave. An Alameda employe e confirmed that brewery owner Matt Schumacher also owns the The site is the former home ofThe City, a sports bar that closed last The liquor commission canceled the bar’sd license on Jan. 6 aftee several “serious and persistent problems.” The order came less than a week aftert a homicide that apparently took place earlyNew Year’d Day. The City surrendered its liquor license a month The Alameda Brewhouse Anned license request isstill pending, said Christire Scott, a commission spokeswoman.
The owners filede the liquor license requestin February. The company DBO LLC purchasesd the building containing the proposed Annex in 1999for $606,120. It has a currengt market valueof $1.25 Alameda’s primary brewpub is at 4765 N.E. Fremont St.
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011
Patton: MLS title should make history for Landon Donovan - ScrippsNews
Patton: MLS title should make history for Landon Donovan ScrippsNews Down the road, the world soccer community will likely remember the Galaxy's victory in MLS Cup 2011 Sunday night as "the David Beckham team." But make no mistake, the Galaxy is Donovan's team, and has been for ... |
sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011
Phoenix Business Journal: Tech & Innovation : Business Advice
Because that's what the idea was. I would replacer my home officetelephone line, which I only use for outgoinfg calls, and instead start making all of my calls over the This way I could pocket the $50 a month I've been giving to Verizob and use those savings to buy more important things. Like … food. Except it reallhy didn't turn out that way. Why? Becaused the Internet phone services I triedworked ... but just not all the Which is typical of most For example, I played aroundr with Skype ( for a few Not bad.
Signing up for the serviced was free and the headset that I purchased from Staplesfor $20 only had to be replace once (I do not advise lending one' headset to a 12 year old. Enougn said). Astonishingly, installing the Skype application on mylaptoo didn't cause it to lock up or crasgh on me. So for that reason alone I felt that thingsswere successful. Once up and Skype did as promised … just aboug all of the time.
I used the little computerf generated keypad on my laptop to make If I called another Skype user the callwas Unfortunately, I don't really have a lot of conversationsa with high school and college kids, nor do I care to reall y speak to anyone undetr 25. So there's not a lot of phone numbers in mySkype directory. However, you can use Skype to call a regular land line and then get chargeed a few centsper call. So that'sd what I mostly did. The problem was the It worked. Most of the But sometimes it just didn't. Sometimes I had to call back the personj two or three times to get a good Orspeak loudly. There were a few instancee where I saidnaughty words.
Then there was this one time wherr I tried to participate in a conference call and had to make the thred other people wait whileI re-calleed the call-in number a few time until there was no crackling soundr on the phone. That was fun too. So I stoppexd using Skype. Frustrated I turned to another Net callinb service calledmagicJack ( No, this has nothinhg to do with changing the tiresz ofa car. And there was no pleasur e involved. For $40 magicJack ships me a little unit that I plug into the USB port of my I then hook my office phone intothe unit.
After installingh the program I'm able to make phones calls from my regularphone (not the headse t I bought from Staples … bye-bywe $20). Like Skype, magicJack places its callws overthe Internet, along with the otherd 100 trillion bits of information crossing the same See where I'm going here? Their deal is that you can make unlimiteed calls you want to anyon e in the United Stateds (I'm told they're working on overseas plans) for only $50 per I did the math and that's $550 less a year than I'j spending on my office line, so therd you go ... magic! Unfortunately ... not so Why? Same thing with Skype. It worked.
Most of the I suffered from the occasional disconnected calls or calls that had to be or calls thatjust didn't sounsd like a very good call at all. More naught words. More blood thinner In the end I brokd down and kept myoffice line. You win I just need things that work as they promisedx towork ... all the time. I have enoughn headaches in my life. I have kids and a mortgagwe and dandruff. I can't sit aroundf and worry that an important conversatiob with a prospective customer is going to get cutoff orsouncd horrible. Verizon's line in my office works all the It's one less hassle to deal with.
I still keep the magicJacl and Skype servicesbecause I've had occasion to use them when traveling. Most likelyh I'll forget to cancel my subscription sonow I'll be paying an extra $50 a year for next to But I'm a penny pincher. Not a Sure, it's less expensive to use these Netcallingf services. But I'm sacrificing some quality. Some dependability. I'km giving myself more To me, it's not worth it. These technologies are great for kids or But to rely on them forbusiness purposes, at leasr so far, isn't a great idea for me.
quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011
Scientists to Drill Huge Hole in Antarctic Ice - Voice of America
Environment News Service | Scientists to Drill Huge Hole in Antarctic Ice Voice of America November 15, 2011 Scientists to Drill Huge Hole in Antarctic Ice Study Helps Predict Sea Level Rise in Polar Region Rosanne Skirble | Washington, DC Antarctica is the largest reservoir of glacial ice on the planet. An expedition of international ... Scientists to Drill Huge Hole in Antarctic Ice |
terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011
Euro slumps as traders lose nerve again - The Daily Star
Euro slumps as traders lose nerve again The Daily Star NEW YORK: The euro dropped against the dollar Monday as eurozone confidence again gave way to nerves and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe was perhaps in its "hardest hour" since World War II. At 2200 GMT, the euro traded at $1.3629 from ... |
sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011
Houston still in World Cup mix - Houston Business Journal:
The U.S. bid committee this week sent requesffor proposals, or RFP, letters to 37 citie s representing 45 stadiums that will be evaluated for the bid packagd to be sent to World Cup officials to host the prestigious soccer tournament in 2018 or 2022. The originak list announced in May included 70 stadiums in 50 citiesx that werebeing considered, including Rice Stadium on the campuws and Kyle Field on the Besides Reliant Stadium, two venues in the Metroplexd — the new Dallas Cowboys stadium, with a capacityt of 100,000, and the Cotton Bowl — and San Antonio’sw Alamodome are still in the hunt. The final U.S.
bid to , the governiny body overseeing theWorld Cup, is due in May 2010. The Australia, England, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico and Russia have declared their desire to host the Worlcd Cup in 2018or 2022. Netherlands-Belgiumk and Portugal-Spain have each submitted joinft bids for the 2018 and2022 tournaments, whils Qatar and South Korea have appliefd only for 2022.
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
Cummins to inspire World Trade Day participants - Business First of Buffalo:
And as Cummins has grown, so too has Powert Drives, increasing from 70 to 190 employeea in the lastfive years. Whicyh is why Power Drives President Lou Panzica is bringingv 15 employees from his Buffalo plant with him May 8 to hear a speec h byJoe Loughrey, president and COO at Cummins. Loughrey will address manufacturers from throughout the regionm at WorldTrade Day, an annuap event sponsored by . And bringing Loughrey here to talk aboutrthe company's success is one way to connect area companies to opportunitiew in global trade.
Cummins employs 1,300 workers at its Jamestown The site, established in 1974, is the sole manufacturee of heavy-duty Cummins engines in North The $13 billion company serves customers in more than 160 countriew through a network of 550 distributor facilities and more than 5,00p0 dealer locations. The plant recently builf its 1millionth engine, whicg will be on display at the Worls Trade Day event. Chris executive director of WTCBN, says there are dozensa of layers of companies that connectt to Cummins through thesupply chain, likel more than 100. Cummins' Loughrey plans to talk aboutt what it takes for Americqa to be competitive in the globalmanufacturing arena.
"One of the issueds is manufacturers haven't in general done a very good job of helpinyg people understand about manufacturing in America andwhy it's important and about some of the terrifivc career opportunities available at all phases," he says. "It'w not just working in a There are great jobsfor engineers, in finance and all kinds of areas in manufacturing that offer fantastic and challengingf opportunities and manufacturers don't do a very good job tellinf that story," he says.
Panzica says workinbg with Cummins has done more than just add to the botton line atPower Drives: It's helped the compant become a world class-level supplier in terms of qualit y and delivery, as Besides shipping to Cummins' plants in England, China and Power Drives now does businessa in China and Korea too. "There are a lot of companiesd like Power Drives thatpeople don't know abour but are the backbone of business in Westerhn New York," he says.
"A lot of (these) companie s will probably have a presence at this eveny because they do business with Cummins or want to do busineswswith Cummins, or want to understancd how things work in a global marketplace with a big playerr like Cummins." , a Tonawanda supplier for Cummins, provides its expande r plugs for Cummins' fuel systems division. But the company is hoping to expand that relationshipl and do more with the Jamestown engine A new contract under development could resulgt in as many as 2 millioh to 3 million componenyt partsper year, a significant account for Sherex.
Kevibn Scherf, vice president, says he wants his sales staf to network andhear Loughrey's talk, and gain a biggerr perspective of how the company can grow. "It's a way of pumpingf them up," he says. "What they have to say and how they run their business really gives you a lot more insightginto them. You want to be able to feel good abouy a customer and know as much about You can really get excited about dealinb with a great company when you getthat insight.
terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011
Stimulus funds to support lung-disease research at UC Denver - Baltimore Business Journal:
The funds — part of a $3.3 millionb initiative funded through the American Recovery and ReinvestmenrtAct — will be used to studyu chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and idiopathid pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). U.S. Sens. Mark Udalol and Michael Bennet, both D-Colo., announcerd the grant on COPD refers to a group of diseaseas that cause airflow blockageand breathing-related problems. It includes chronic bronchitis, and, in some cases, asthma. According to the , COPD is the fourtnh leading causeof death, illness and disability in the Unitedc States.
IPF is an inflammatory lung disorderr of unknown origin characterized by abnormal formatiomn of fibrous tissue between the tiny air sacs or ducts ofthe lungs. According to a press release, ARRA fundsz will spur advances in the understanding of theser complex lung diseases by supporting research at UC Denve and in 15other states.
domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011
Emergent BioSolutions anthrax vaccine gets boost - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Rockville-based company’s BioThrax has been granted a shelf life extension from the from its currenty three yearsto four. Under its contract with the Department of Health andHumann Services, the extension triggers a milestone paymentf of $30 million for dosess of the vaccine already delivered to the Strategic National Emergent expects to record that paymenr as revenue this quarter. The shelr life extension also allows Emergent to charg more for future doses of the vaccine deliverefd tothe government’s stockpile.
That coulx raise the value of the contract to as muchas $405 millionb over the next several Last year, the FDA approvede a reduced vaccination schedule to five Emergent continues research that could lead to a further reduction in the numbee of doses required, as well as the vaccine’s use to trea patients after being exposed to not just as a pre-exposure vaccine. Emergent has supplied the government’s stockpile with 33 million doses of BioThraxso far. It is contractexd to continue adding to stockpiles throughlate 2011. BioThrax has been used to vaccinatwe more than 2 million military personneo since the government firs t started buying the vaccinein 1998.
Emergent stoci (NYSE: EBS) was up 90 cents to $14.633 per share in afternoon trading.
sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011
Glant tries to defy odds with Northwest Group - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
has a physical office location in downtown Seattle and agents whowork full-time and know all of each other’s customers. A plasma television plays a tailored welcome message to each client when they walk into the downtowhSeattle office. The business has a professional but Glant and his team still produce printed marketing material fortheir What’s also unusual is that Glant is 29, seeminglyt the perfect age to be wooed by the movementy toward online selling and buying rather than the mom-and-po p agents of yesteryear. Glant, who founded his company in Januaryh 2008, admits he’s conservative when it comesa to buildinga business.
Basically, he’ wooed more by stellar company culturre than the trend ofthe day. “I’m a little old schoolp for my age,” he “I don’t like fad real estate, I like qualithy real estate.” He’s also a bit Glant launched Northwest Group RealEstate (NWG) earlt last year, even thougy he said he knew the market was “headingy toward a little bit of a correction.” That didn’t deterd him from throwing $63,000 into starting the company and quicklyu hiring six agents to get the firm rolling. “The only way a companty can flourish is if it start during a market thatis challenging,” he said.
Before he startexd the business, Glant, a business school graduate, worked at both commercial and residentiak real estate companies beforestarting NWG. His goal was to form a real estatr brokerage that combined the professionalism associated with commercial real estate with what he calla the emotional aspects of buyinya home. He also was adamant that the company remainm small and focused on its mission ofselling “We don’t want to be a jack of all tradess and a master of he said. After more than a year in the company now has nine agents and saw revenuesw ofabout $700,000 last year.
The housing market downturn was steepe thanGlant expected, but he said the companty has still managed between six and 12 deals a Glant attributes the strength of the company to his team of agents, some of whom he’ws hired from rival firms Coldwell Banker Bain and Windermere after weeding through dozens of local job Each agent has his or her own with focuses on new construction, condominium s and the luxury among other areas. The close-knit team is one of the reasons the company has fares so well duringthe recession, Glanrt said. They’ve been able to support each other duringb weeks when nosales occurred, helping to builds resilience.
quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011
Census: American Internet use surges - South Florida Business Journal:
That's according to a report releasedd Wednesday bythe U.S. Censuss Bureau, which also shows that 62 percent ofthe nation's households repor using the Internet at home in 2007, an 18 percentr increase from 1997. Among households using the net in 82 percent reported usinga high-speed and 17 percent used a dial-up “As access to high speed connections have become more prevalent, so too have the numbere of people that connect to the Internet at said Thom File, a statistician with the Censusd Bureau Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division. “Thes e data give us a better understanding of who is usingg the Internet andfrom where.
” Amon g the states, New Hampshire had the highest rate of Internetg use for those age three and older in 2007 at 82 percent. Mississippk and West Virginia had the lowest rates of use at abourt52 percent. Roughly 60 percent of Texans used the net in thedata shows. Internet usage also varied by educationand race. For individuals 25 and older witha bachelor’s degree, 87 percentt reported going online from some locatiob in 2007. About half (49 percent) of those with only a high schooo diploma reported usingthe Internet, compared with 19 percent for thoss without a high school diploma. Meanwhile, 69 perceny of whites lived in householdsx withInternet use.
The same was true for 51 percent of 73 percent of Asians and 48 percent of Hispanics.
segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011
Conference Board employment index falls in June - Wichita Business Journal:
in June, down from the revised May figureof 89.1 and from 112.7 in June 2008. The indexx number is relative to 100 for the 1996 base The index combines eightmarket indicators. “Compared to the beginninfg of the year, the decline in the Employmenr Trends Index has significantly and we therefore expect job growth to resume around the end ofthe year,” The Conferencw Board Senior Economist Gad Levanomn said in a Monday release. “However, over the last leading indicators of employment were mostly disappointing, suggesting the Employment Trends Indes is still seeking a bottom.
” The index’s componenta yielded mixed results in June, The Conference Board said in the release. The declininv indicators were the percentage of respondentds who say theyfind “jobs hard to the number of employees in the temporary-help industry, industriapl production, real manufacturing and trade sales, and job The Conference Board is a independent business-membership and research associatiobn based in New York
sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011
Oncor seeks $300M in stimulus funds - Kansas City Business Journal:
Oncor will apply for the fundse through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The deadlins to apply is Aug. 6. Citiny data from the Council ofEconomic Advisers, Oncor believes the stimulus funds would supporf the creation of 1,600 jobs in 2010. If the fundingg is approved, Oncor will spend the money to deploy moresmart switches, whic will help the energy company isolatd problems in neighborhoods and reconfigure power Other enhancements will include controlling the feeder voltager through the company’s capacitor control and enhancementas that will help the electrif provider locate electric delivery problems in a faster, more efficient Oncor said.
In addition, downtown electric networks will be modernizedunder Oncor’s proposed plan. Oncor also is aiminyg to improve itstelecommunications network, an improvemenft that will enhance the company’sx power grid. “Oncor’s vision for a modern, interactive, intuitivew electric grid is tangible andhappening now,” said Oncor Chairmahn and CEO Bob “Our first considerations in seeking these stimulusd grants are whether the funds will help consumer s lower their electric bills or advance smart grid initiatives to improve service and reliability. That’sx where we have focused our attentionand energy.
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
SeaBear catches gourmet market with latest product - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Key to this ambition is Anacortes-based SeaBear'sz newest product, called "Healthy Hearts wild salmonh dinner fillets" — a package of eighgt six-ounce frozen salmon fillets, packed in dry ice with four shipped directlyto consumers' homes. It's targetefd directly at homemakers who want to impress or can afford to spend freelyon "In four months it's becomee the most successful new product," said presidenr and CEO Mondello.
"It's totally high With such innovations, long known for packaging expensivs salmongift boxes, is expanding into the mail-order gourmet Since arriving at the company in 1996, Mondello has been recastingh his company with new products and new targetr market. To do this Mondello is capitalizing on increasinvg public awareness of an arrayof seafood-related environmental and healt h issues. These include the sustainability of wildseafood resources, the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids for heart and increasing doubts about the environmental impacts of farmed as well as the health implications of the antibiotices and dyes that salmon farmers use.
At the equivalenrt of $20 a pound, the Healthy Hearts fillets don't find much of a markeyt here inthe salmon-rich Northwest. Instead, the companyh does about 95 percent ofits direct-mailk marketing business in tony neighborhoods in California, Texas, New Florida and Chicago, Mondello said. "We don't compete on price," Mondello said. "Our brand doesn't stand for anythingf but super-premium quality. We define our customers as afflueng men and women who have a passionfor SeaBear's new product line has been catchingt the attention of the gourmeyt press.
Earlier this year New York-base d Saveur magazine publisheda one-pags piece about SeaBear's premium Copper River entitled "Alaskan Pride." "Copper Rivert salmon is a known name rightg now, like Niman Ranch pork," said Saveurr food editor Melissa Hamilton in New Another important step Mondell is taking is to add the Marine Stewardship Councio logo to its packaging. The London-based council certifierd Alaska's salmon fishery as sustainable in and SeaBear has become one of the firstr seafood processors to usethe council's leaping fish logo on its SeaBear had to prove the origins of its fish to be able to use the "It shows the vision and leadership of SeaBear that they're promoting the sustainabilitt of the resource," said Karen Tarica, U.
S. commercial project managet forthe council's U.S. office, in Seattle. Kristine food editor for Bon Appetit Magazine in Los called SeaBear's environmental certification "We know our readers enjoy shopping at farmer's markets, and we talk about environmentally sound products more and more," she The new emphasis on frozen dinner portions and the epicurw market is a marked difference from the company' previous focus on the gift market. Mondellop came to the company after a career as a marketinv directorfor high-profile companies including Procter & Gamblre and Celestial Seasonings Tea Co.
, and his missionb was to turn SeaBear into a high-enc brand name with national recognition. Back in 1996 nearly everythingg SeaBear made in its Anacorted processing facility was packerin "retort pouches," essentiallyu soft cans. While the retort process stil works for the gift it isn't suited for the dining quality that Mondello's epicure customers are seeking. "That kind of eventr is not deliverable out of a retort he said. During the last five years SeaBear'as overall sales have remained flat atabout $10 million as Mondello has shifted the focux away from the gift market and has shed unprofitable lines whil e building the epicure market.
An indication of the chang e isthat SeaBear's summer much of it tied to heavilh marketed Copper River salmon run, is up aboutt 80 percent from five years ago. Mondell expects that within five years halfthe company' s sales will be year-round, while the balance will be for the holidat season. He expects to double sales in the nextsevenb years. SeaBear has emerged as innovator in addinvg valueto Alaska's wild salmob harvest, said Laura Fleming, public relations director for the Alaska Seafood Marketinhg Institute in Juneau, Alaska.
The salmon-catching businesxs in Alaska, much of it headquartered in Seattle, has been financiallh damaged in recent yearse by competition from cheap Chileanfarmed "I think it's pretty exciting," Fleming "His company wants to leverage the qualitie s that differentiate our products from industriallt produced salmon." Tapping his experience with Celestial Seasonings, Mondello has sought to create a mystique with SeaBear'd packaging, peppering the boxes with evocative copy and photographs evokingf the product's Northwest roots.
He's also cultivated a uniqur presentation among callcenter employees, who are trained to engags customers with local color and information about the fish and its The company only contracted out its call center work once, and the result was "The call center, the people who talk to our are an immense piece of building a super-premiumn brand," Mondello said.
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
Valley surgeon heads up test of aneurysm treatment - Orlando Business Journal:
Rodriguez, the director of peripheraol vascular services at the Arizona Heart has been named the nationak principal investigator for the Phase II which is required by the to enroll 160 The Arizona Heart Institute is one of 14 centersz involved in thestudy nationwide. “Wee are looking to include at least six more centerw to complete 20 centers inthe U.S.,” Rodriguezz said. The endoluminal graft is manufacturede bynear Glasgow, Scotland. Called the Anacondaa Stent Graft System, it allows the surgeojn to reposition the device once it has been placedf acrossthe aneurysm.
So far, nearly 4,000 patientse in Europe have received theAnaconda device, but it must get approvall from the FDA before it can be used in the U.S. Rodriguea said the minimally invasive procedure onthe study’w first patient went saying the device is very easy to use. “Hes was up on his feet the next morninbhaving breakfast,” Rodriguez said of the “You can’t do that when you open the This eliminates the need for open heargt surgery.” Abdominal aortic aneurysm, or “ballooning” of the body’s main is a serious condition prone to rupture and lead to suddebn death. Actor John Ritter died of an aorti rupturein 2003.
Symptoms can occuf suddenly with severe, sharp pain in the Patients who experience these symptoms shoulxd seek immediatemedical attention, Rodriguez said. Early detection can preventt sudden death. Patients with a familyg history of aortic aneurysm or other connective tissue disorderx should notify their physician about their risk ofaortivc aneurysm, he said.
sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011
US DOT boss announces $47M in grants at Mich. stop - BusinessWeek
Environment News Service | US DOT boss announces $47M in grants at Mich. stop BusinessWeek US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced $47 million in grants for Michigan projects Monday and repeated the Obama administration's support for a light-rail line in Detroit. Meanwhile, Gov. Rick Snyder and Detroit Mayor Dave Bing ... US DOT Hands Out Nearly $1 Billion in Transit Grants LaHood announces $928.5 million for transit infrastructure US DOT boss announces $47M in grants at Mich. stop |
quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011
Gregg Engles Executive Profile
Engles is considered to be the primaryu architect in the consolidation of the fragmented dairh industry and is responsible for transformingh Dean Foods into the largest processo and distributor of milk in theUnitefd States. A lawyer by training, Englese chose never to practice law but insteadx decided topursue entrepreneurship. His first significant endeavotr was the purchase of ReddyIce Group, a producer of packagee ice. This ultimately led him into the dairy industry and in Engles and his partners acquired Suiza Dairyu inSan Juan, Puerto Rico.
The company became public in 1996 and five years Suiza Foods Corporation acquired Dean Foods Company and officialluy changed its name to Dean Foods Engles was named Chairman when Howard Dean retired inAprilo 2002. Engles currently serves on the board of directora of a number of charitable andindustry organizations, includinh the Grocery Manufacturers of America, Southerm Methodist University Tate Lecture Series, Dallas Citizensw Council and TreeHouse Foods. He is also a membere of Dartmouth President's Leadership Dallas CEO Roundtable and the YounyPresidents Organization.
He received his Bachelor'se Degree at Dartmouth College and his law degree at YaleUniversity **All Executive profile data providee by Dow Jones & Co., Inc.
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011
El Niño and climate change in the coming century - UCAR
UCAR | El Niño and climate change in the coming century UCAR October 17, 2011 | Climate change is not expected to affect the extent or frequency of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) over the 21st century, but it could worsen its impacts. That's the conclusion of a modeling study published in Journal of ... Something in the water: warming's effect on El Niño and La Niña events |
sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011
CB Moore promoted; DT Harrison cut - ESPN (blog)
Boston Herald | CB Moore promoted; DT Harrison cut ESPN (blog) The Patriots made their third roster move in as many days on Saturday, releasing defensive tackle Marcus Harrison and promoting cornerback Sterling Moore from the practice squad, according to a league source. The team later confirmed the ... Cornerback Sterling Moore promoted to the Patriots' 53-man roster Patriots Promote Cornerback Sterling Moore to Active Roster, Release Marcus ... Patriots promote CB Moore; release DT Harrison |
quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011
Carnahan: Missouri should hold presidential primary - Kansas City Star
Student Life | Carnahan: Missouri should hold presidential primary Kansas City Star Rather than face penalties from the national party, the Missouri GOP recently decided to use a caucus process to pick its delegates to the national nominating convention. The Missouri Senate plans to consider legislation next week canceling the primary ... Carnahan urges Missouri lawmakers to keep presidential primary |
terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011
Posen Says There's 'Incredible Appetite' for Fiscal Austerity - Bloomberg
Posen Says There's 'Incredible Appetite' for Fiscal Austerity Bloomberg Bank of England policy maker Adam Posen said there is an “incredible appetite†for fiscal austerity measures as countries realise they can't ignore financial markets. “There's been an incredible appetite for orthodox policies and austerity policies,†... |
domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011
Assessing corporate space needs pays off for Planon - Sacramento Business Journal:
Planon Inc.’s Web-based software enables large companies to manages their realestate portfolios, determining how much spacr a company really needs and calculatin the real estate savings of creatinyg more mobile workforces that allow consolidation of properties or As companies focus on cost-cuttinfg across balance sheets, Planon executives say reducing property and planf costs becomes paramount. “If you look at a company’ws balance sheet, the second biggesyt expense canbe property, plant and equipment,” said Jim Nauen, seniofr vice president of sales and marketing. “It’e a savings to companies that actuall y does notcut payroll.
” Through modelingh with Planon’s software, a company can develop flexiblee space for those remote workers. It also identifiew space unused by divisions that may have downsized or By optimizing the spac eit has, a company can eliminate the need to build new spaced or prompt divestment of unused “Giving upper management a clea view of space across their entire portfolio leads to some surprising conclusions,” Nauen said. The cost savingsa to property owners is translating into revenue growtb forthe company. Last year, it grew total sales nearlyu 20 percentto $41.8 million with softwar e sales making up 50 percent of U.S.
The balance of sales were of consulting servicewand support, which the Braintree officew performs. Nauen said the company is Analysts say companies competing inthis sector, known as integrated workplace management are poised to benefit from softness in the commerciap real estate market. “Whenever we’re in a situatiohn where there’s a fair amount of turmoil in highltyfixed assets, the management of thos e components becomes very important,” said Jack vice president of research at Stamford, Conn.-basedd Founded 25 years ago by CEO Pierre Guelejn in the Netherlands, Planon established its U.S. headquartere in Braintree threeyears ago.
The compangy has about 15 employees locally and expects to grow head counrt by five to seven employees by the end of the Nauen said. The company’s strategy has been to use its platfornm to allow companies to manage various aspects of a real estat eportfolio — not just space management, but project developmeny management, maintenance schedules, and, most recently, an applicatioj to manage sustainability initiatives. While the companu has customers acrossthe globe, Planon expects North American companies, specifically ones with more than 1,000 to fuel short-term It already counts , and regional bank BB&T Corp. as customers.
Heine said these companies are ones that most need specifi software to managereal estate. “Id you have maybe four or five offices, then you mighty be able to manage it on a Heine said. “When you start to talk abouft largeoffice complexes, it requires a special solution.” The markeg for certain aspects of real estate management, specifically financiao asset management, is dominated by largwe technology companies such as SAP AG and Planon’s software competes with dozens of other small vendors to provids space management software to companies and propertyg managers.
sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011
Proposed career tiers for teachers questioned -
KCRG | Proposed career tiers for teachers questioned Terry Branstad's proposals to take top teachers out of classrooms and end social promotion for third-graders during town h » |
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011
Salvation or slippery slope? - Montreal Gazette
French Tribune | Salvation or slippery slope? Montreal Gazette Munsie was born with three kidneys - two on his left side and one on his right. He suffers from chronic kidney stones. When he was younger, he produced one or two stones a year. ... Salvation or a slippery slope? |
domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011
Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do provide good insurance to their then they should have nothing to fear froma government-runb competitor, he said. “They should be able to he said. If the publix plan is able to reduce administrative costs private insurers should take note and see if they can dothe “There shouldn’t be any objection to Obama said. The publix plan should be required tocollecy premiums, not be “simply eating off the taxpayer trough,” he Health insurers and many business groups contend a publidc plan would have an unfair advantage becauswe it wouldn’t be subjecty to all the rules imposed on privatre insurers and likely would pay health providers less for their services.
This coule crowd out many private insurers and lead providers to chargew private insurers more to make up for the lost incomew from the public they contend. When asked whether includingb a public plan in health care reformwas non-negotiable, the presidenty said, “We are still early in this process. “Wer have not drawn a line in the other than reform has tocontro costs, and it has to provide relief to people who don’tt have health insurance or are underinsured.” Obama also was askerd what he thought about the performanc e of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financial regulatory reform plan proposes expanding the Fed’s authority.
“I think he has done a very good job undere verydifficult circumstances,” Obama All regulators fell short of doiny what was needed to preventy the financial crisis, but the Fed “probably performecd better than most,” he said. Since the financial crisies erupted, Bernanke has “performed very Obama said.
sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
Hudson & Marshall foreclosure auction to feature 27 Triangle homes - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Triangle auction, conducted by auction company , will be held on at 1 p.m. at June 27 in the Hiltomn North Raleigh, 3415 Wake Forest All of the homes in the auction will be sold Buyers who wish to inspec t properties before bidding may view homea during an open house scheduled for June 20 from1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or by contactinyg the listing agent foran appointment. Propertyg and listing agent information is available onHudson & Marshall’s Web All homes come with titled insurance paid for bythe sellers. Winnin g bidders will be required to make a cash or certifie d check depositof $2,500p for each property. 826 Carter Ave. Durham; 101 Wake St.
West, 1526 Park Place, Hillsborough; 605 Grantland Drive, Raleigh; 911 Lancastedr St., Rocky Mount; 2521 Friedland Unit 203, Raleigh; 2312 Lindmont Durham; 740 North White St., Wake 3033 Slocomb Rd., Linden; 400 Charlotte St., Roanokse Rapids; Tract 3 Redding Road, Oxford; 5724 Greenpin Road, Cedar Grove; 700 Sout Roxboro St., Durham; 100 Waymon Way, 210 Barnes St., Fremont; 400 Melton Road, Rocku Mount; 104 Jones Court, 260 East Front St., Clayton; 11223 Raleigh Road, Four 313 Maddux Drive, Pikeville; 210 Hardingwoofd Drive, Goldsboro; 12351 Honeychurch St.
, Raleigh; 3233 Gold Dust Willow Spring; 5526 Spring Housee Lane, Chapel Hill; 2515 Mooree Mill Road, Rougemont; 301 Fox Park Louisburg; 303 St., Burlington.
quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011
Obama Heckled at Hollywood Fundraiser - Daily Beast
Los Angeles Times | Obama Heckled at Hollywood Fundraiser Daily Beast Best known in certain quarters as the glammed-up juke joint the Notorious BIG shouts out in Going Back to Cali (“I'm sippin' on booze/in the House of Bluesâ€), it's also the garish night spot where Phil Spector downed shots of Bacardi rum with champagne ... Obama pushes for jobs bill in Silicon V » |
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
Locals skeptical of Electoral College changes - Daily Local News
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader | Locals skeptical of Electoral College changes Daily Local News Chester County politicians are leery of the state Senate majority leader's proposed changes to how Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes for president are handed out. Sen. Dominic Pileggi, R-9th, of Chester, ... Pennsylvania, Nebraska Republicans Seek Changes To Electoral College System Congressional Republicans skeptical of Electoral College change Manipulation of state's electoral votes a blatant ploy Commentary Daylin Leach |
sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011
Employers should brace for new workplace rules - Dallas Business Journal:
The bill, which has the support of the Democraticc majority, threatens to subject Americanemployeras — including corporate officers — to severe civil and criminal penalties. According to congressionao testimonyby Sen. Ted D- Mass., nearly 5,700 American workers were killed on the job and more than 4 millionh became ill or are injurexdin 2007. Kennedy and others point to grim statistics showing that civil and criminal fines and penalties undee OSHAare lax. With solid majoritiew in the Houseand Senate, Democrats reintroduced the PAWA aftere earlier versions of the same bill stallef in committee during the last three sessionws of Congress.
PAWA enjoys the supporg of President Obama, who co-sponsored an earlier versiob of the bill asa senator, and is likel y to pass given the current political
quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011
Dell selling $1 billion in notes - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The sale includes $400 million in three-yea r notes expected to yield 150 basis points overcomparablw U.S. treasuries and $600 millioj in 10-year notes expected to yiele 195 basis pointsover treasuries, reported. Last Round Rock-based Dell DELL) reported a 63 percent decline in earningxs during the first quarter compared with the same period last The companyposted $290 million in profitsx during the three-month period versus $784 milliob during the first quarter last year. which employs about 16,00 0 workers in Central Texas, reported $12.
4 billion in quarterly revenue comparedwith $16 billion in revenuee during the first quarter last year — a 23 percent Dell officials said the recession hasn’t bottomed out and the companyu is preparing for strong business when enterprise customersx return to buying information technology products following the recession.
terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011
Romani Group to help find options for Denver
The group, led by Tim will work with longtimee real estate developer Ray Baker of Gold Crown Managementg onthe St. Anthony project. The current site is adjacent to Sloan’s Lake and bordered by Colfaxz Avenue, Stuart Street, 17th Avenue and Perrhy Street. Starting next year, the hospital will begi the process of moving from itscurrent 16-acr e site — where it has been locatefd for almost 100 years — to a 25-acre parcel in Lakewood’xs Federal Center near Kipling and Sixthy Avenue. St. Anthony plans to open a new orthopedic-surger y hospital at its Lakewood grounds in August 2010 and a new hospitapl to replace the Denver facility infall 2011.
Romank said the group will take at about two years to evaluate thecurrent St. Anthony property and work with the communityy before taking requests for proposalsd from developers and decidde what uses will best serve the the hospital andthe community. He added that the site’e proximity to Sloan’s Lake Park and its scenic viewds of downtown Denver and the mountain ranger make it an attractive propertyfor mixed-use development that is heavyh on residential housing, but would include a large commercial complex as well as some officde buildings.
“It’s a fair assumption that much of the existinhg facility willbe demolished,” Romani He declined to estimate how much the propertyy was worth. Romani managed a similar process while servinbg as the vice chancellor of planning and developmeng forthe . The university’a former medical campus on Coloradoo Boulevard at Ninth Avenue was sold to Shea Propertied after the hospital relocated to its new home at the Anschutzz Medical Campus in Other Romani Group projects include the renovation of BoettcherrConcert Hall, the Colorado Conventioj Center expansion project, the Pepsi Center, Invesco Field at Mile High, Dick’s Sportinf Goods Park and Broomfield Event The group is also collaboratint on a joint venture to overses the development of the future home of in Lakewood.
domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011
OpenTV rejects Kudelski offer - San Francisco Business Times:
A special committee of San Francisco-based ’e board of directors rejected an unsolicited proposal by Kudelski SA to acquire all outstandinb shares ofthe company’s Class A ordinary stock not owned by Kudelski or its affiliatezs for $1.35 per share. Using language typicapl in such situations, the committee called the offer “inadequate and not in the best interests of the companty andits stockholders,” saying it reachefd its conclusion “after careful including a thorough review of OpenTV’s businesa and prospects, and other factors, with its independenr financial advisor, .” OpenTV sells television set-tolp box software.
OpenTV reported a net profit in 2008 for the firs t time since its stargt in1994 — $9.6 million on revenu e of nearly $117 million. Last month, the companhy reported that for the quartef ended March 31 revenueswere $29.4 million, compared with $33. 8 million for the first quarterof 2008. Net incomre for the first quarterwas $1.2 compared with $6.3 million for the first quarter of 2008.
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011
Regents to issue $7.7M in stimulus funds for deferred maintenance - Kansas City Business Journal:
The money is part of $7.7 million in higher education federal stimulus funding made available througuh the for fiscalyear 2009. However, the totalp addresses about 1 percent ofthe $825 million backlohg the regents’ universities face in deferred maintenance projects. — $466,033 for a fume hood and ventilation replacement in itssciencs hall. • — $584,8566 for roof repairs and replacement. • — $2,307,01t6 for campus utility and PowerPlant • — $569,424 for heating ventilatioj and air conditioning replacements and electricap and fire code improvements.
• The — $2,073,228i for campus fire code roof repairand replacement, electrical service improvements American’sx with Disabilities Act improvementa and infrastructure improvements. • The — $868,02e4 for infrastructure improvements, campus elevator repairs, and roof repaitr and replacement. The board will distributed additional fundsto , the 19 community collegezs and six technical colleges it governs during its June A recent study by the found that ever y $1 million spent on university deferrex maintenance projects generates an economi c impact of $2.
2 million in increased economic output of goodsz and services, $644,500 in increased stater earnings and creates 19 new Kansaws jobs. In 2007, Kansas lawmakers approve a five-year maintenance funding which was toprovide $90 million in direct state funds and approximately $44 millionn in retained interest earnings to the six state In addition, the legislation provided state-funded tax credits intenderd to generate up to $158 million in private contributions to the state universities, Washburnn University, and the community and technicakl colleges. If fully funded, the five-year plan would have addresse d about 31 percent ofthe $825 million maintenances backlog.
But funding has been scarce since. This the Legislature reduced the state appropriationby $1.3 millio and additional reductions are necessargy to offset reduced interest Since the five-year plan was adopted, 91 projects have been Of that, 37 have been startes and 10 of which have been completed. The regentd in January issued an updated report that showed the maintenancew backlog had balloonedto $825 The backlog on each campus is as follows: K-State — $290.6 million. KU — $226 million.
terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011
Peabody, Arch Coal join carbon capture center - St. Louis Business Journal:
The center is a public-private partnership to advance the next generation of carbonj capture andstorage technologies. The effortg will be based at the Power Systems Development Facilituy southof Birmingham, Ala., a carboh research and development laboratory. Southern Co. will managre and operate the facility. Peabody has been a fundintg partner of the PSDFsince 1997. The Nationall Carbon Capture Center will bring together scientists and technology expertsfrom government, industry and academiaq to analyze both pre-combustion and post-combustionb carbon capture technologies in a coal-fueled powerr plant setting.
Once fully operational in 2010, the center will play a leadinbg role in the global effort toadvance cost-efficient, large-scale carbon capture and storage operations at coal-fueled power plants. Peabody Energgy (NYSE: BTU) is the world’s largest private-sectodr coal company with 2008 sales of 256 million tonsand $6.6 billiobn in revenue. Its coal products fuel 10 percent ofall U.S. electricity generation and 2 percent ofworldwide St. Louis-based Arch Coal Inc. is one of the nation'sd largest acoal producers, providing the fuel for 6 percen of the electricity generated in theUnitec States.
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
North Shore theater likely to liquidate - Austin Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financially distressed theatet has failed to raisethe $2 million it needefd to put on 2009 productions, althougn more than $500,000 in pledges have been made sincse the theater announced a turn-around strateg in mid April. “The thing we know is that we’r e not putting on a 2009 I think the very likely consequence of that is that we will very quickl go outof business,” said David Fellows, chairma n of the North Shore Music Theatr board.
“Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 it’s completely up in the air at the Without a production seasonthis year, the theate r is unable to address the substantial debtss of its creditors and restore the theater’sw economic health, said Fellows. The theatedr is approximately $10 milliohn in debt, including large mortgages on its property and buildingas and debtsto vendors, the Statw of Massachusetts, and subscribers who paid in advancse for the 2009 season.
Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,400 subscribers are unlikely to get their money Subscriptions cost upwardsof $350 per Theater executives are in discussions with seniort creditors and are reviewing a liquidatioj to maximize the valuew of the theater’s assets for its stakeholders as well as identifyh potential “friendly” buyers of the property who mightr consider a lease back of the Fellows said.
sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011
Vernon Manuscript aims to unlock West Midlands accent origins - BBC News
BBC News | Vernon Manuscript aims to unlock West Midlands accent origins BBC News Experts at the University of Birmingham are using a 600-year-old medieval manuscript to try to unlock the origins of the West Midlands accent. The Vernon Manuscript, which dates back to about 1400, was written in the region's dialect. ... |
quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011
In the Nation | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-07 - Philadelphia Inquirer
In the Nation | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-07 Philadelphia Inquirer HARTFORD, Conn. - The family of a Yale University graduate student killed in a research lab just days before she was to be married in 2009 sued the Ivy League school Tuesday, contending it had failed to adequately protect women on campus for years. ... |
domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011
Reed's Bridge battle re-enactment big hit -
Reed's Bridge battle re-enactment big hit The Reed Bridge Battlefield Preservation Society presented its fourth Civil War re-enactment of the battle. From the beginning of the re-enactment to the end, it appeared that the estimated 80 participants and hundreds of observers had a good time. ... |
sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011
DOD's top personnel official comes under fire for leadership style - Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes | DOD's top personnel official comes under fire for leadership style Stars and Stripes Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, was brought in last year to reorganize the division, which oversees the wounded warrior transition program. Since Stanley took over, the process of moving injured ... Pentagon personnel chief draws criticism |
quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011
Rocco's Cafe on 'Diners, Drive-ins & Dives' TV Show
Chef/Owner is pleased his restaurant was chosehn and hopes everyone that watcheds will enjoy the episodde about cooking homemade Italian food from The "Diners, Drive-ins & Dives episode featuring Chef and Rocco's Cafe will air on June 15th, 2009 at 10 PM (PDT) on Food Network (locap channel 35). , Don's grandfather, who came from Ital in 1920 and ran a successfukl restaurant in San Francisco for more than 20 The key ingredientswere quality, quantity, and personality. This old-schoo Italian recipe for success was passed downto Don, who 18 yearsd ago opened Rocco's Cafe in his grandfather'z honor.
Rocco's Cafe brings the feeling of San Francisco'se old North Beach and the flavor of Italt toSan Francisco's South of Market area (SOMA). Chef Don cookx authentic, home-style Italian food from scratch. All Rocco'ss Sauces, Marinades, and Salad Dressings are homemade from and Don's mom 'Nora (Rocco's daughter) stilp makes many homemade desserts for her son's Today, Rocco's enjoys a loyal following of regular customers who keep cominbg back to this South of Market neighborhoodd institution for the traditional homemadee Italian food, lively atmosphere, quick and large portions.
Besides cooking at Rocco's you can catcuh Chef Don cooking up his favoritse dishes as a regularly featured chef onSan Francisco's own TV cookingf show "View from the Bay" on ABC'sx Channel 7. Rocco's Cafe is open for Breakfast Lunch seven daysa week, and Dinner Tuesday through Saturday nights. Rocco' Cafe takes reservations online at its websitde orat's website. Rocco's Cafe is located in the populaSoMa (South of Market St.) at 1131 Folsom St., San California, 94103.
segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011
Plans for $200M racetrack, entertainment center near DIA announced - Denver Business Journal:
The announcement comes after yearws of discussion about the possibility of a tracl opening inthe area, althouguh there was no word Wednesday of a NASCAdR commitment to the Aurora venture. . The facility announced Wednesday would be located in theplannesd 6,500-acre TransPort cargo-distribution development along Interstate 70 severalo miles east of Pena Bill Schuck -- whose company, , is the developer of TransPort -- is one of the principalsd involved in Wednesday's racetrack announcement. Schuck'w plans call for the track comples to includea one-mile oval speedway and a four-mile road course with room for 65,000 to 100,00p spectators.
The facility would accommodate a variety ofracinv types, including stock car, open midget, road racing, club and track rental, Kart racing and motorcycle racing. Schucko noted that the site is zoned forindustriao use, yet provides easy acces s to spectators. The announcement said TransPort is negotiatingwith "nationak and regional tourism attractions" and retailers to locater on the site along with the racetracjk "to create a true 'destination' entertainment and touris m opportunity." "The Schuck Corp.
, and its long-time financiao partners, will lead the private investment effort for the motoer sports complex and will work with a variety of nationall and local partners with motorr sports experience who are interested in establishing a nationapl racing venue in Colorado," the announcement "In addition, Schuck is working with Greg Stevinson, the Jeffersomn County real estate developer and on a variety of other development opportunities on the the announcement added. Gerry Freeman, a spokesman for the development group, said NASCAR's involvement isn't pivotal to starting the project.
"Theres are a variety of other motor racinh events that could be held at this he said. Financing will be a combinatiojn of private investors and which is yet to befullhy committed, although Freeman stressed that the project's organizersz do not see financing to be a He said a number of investore are waiting to jump on the project pending completionn of a final economic feasibility study, whichb is expected in a few Schuck's group also will seek financia help from local and state governmenyt shares of the federalk economic stimulus program as well.
The Colorado Legislature this mont passed a measure aimed at providing incentived for majortourism projects, with the possibility of a racetrack mentioned by lawmakers in arguing for its The measure, Senate Bill 173, awaits Gov. Bill Ritter's Sponsored by Sen. Jenniferd Veiga, D-Denver, SB 173 would allow local governments to work with the Coloradok Economic Development Commission to set up enterpris zones that help to defray the infrastructure and construction costw of majortourism projects. State sales tax revenues would help to fund the Lawmakers cappedthe measure's benefitsz at $50 million.