sábado, 30 de abril de 2011
Mueller sells Utah Railway for $54 million - Business First of Columbus:
Mueller will recognize a gain on the sale ofabout $30 milliomn after tax, or 80 centss per share, in the fiscal quarter ended September 28. Closinf is conditioned upon approval of the SurfacTransportation Board, among other things. Mueller says it anticipated the board's approval on an expedited basis. Muelledr chairman Harvey Karp says the sale of Utah Railwatconcludes Mueller's plan to dispose of non-corre business assets. The transaction will increaserthe company's cash position by aboutf $50 million, he says. Mueller Industries is a manufactureeof copper, brass, plastic and aluminum Previously based in Wichita, Kan.
, Mueller relocatec its headquarters to Memphis in 1996 to be closer to its main plantsz in the Tennessee and Michigan. In all, the companu operates nine plantsin Tennessee, Mississippi and Greenwich, Conn.-based Genesee & Wyoming, Inc., is a world-clasds provider of rail-freight transportation and its supportingb services. It functions as a holdingv company with subsidiaries that own and operate regionalfreight railroads. The company owns or has interests in more than 20 railroads in theUnited States, Canada, Mexico, Bolivia and Australia.
It operates more than 8,00p0 miles of owned and leased track, with accesss to an additional 2,350 miles through track access
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
CU offering digital media program - San Francisco Business Times:
CU will operate the program, called Boulderr Digital Works, in partnership with the pareng company of advertisinggiant , which moved many of its employees from Miamik to a new Boulder office in the past few The parent company is MDC Partners, a Toronto-basedf network of agencies. CU’s Division of Continuinfg Education and Professional Studiesd will operatethe program, which will be open to medias professionals, community members and CU students. The School of Journalism and Mass especially theadvertising faculty, will handlre the academic management. Advertising professor David Slayden will serve asexecutivw director.
Sweden’s Hyper Island, a digital learniny program in Europe, also will be a partnet in the program, with student and faculty The program will start in the fall witha 60-week certificatd program in Digital Arts and Applications are due Aug. 15. Also, startingf in late July, the school will offer 36-hou r immersion Executive Programs in digital fluency forworkint professionals. For more information, visiy http://bdw.colorado.edu.
terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011
TECO Energy outlook remains strong - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
billion in debt held by and subsidiariesdand Co. The rating is supported by the underlyinyg strengthof TECO’s regulatef electric and gas utilitgy subsidiary, from which it derivesx stable cash distributions to meet its funding Fitch said a release. Tampa Electric continue s to post strongcredit metrics, it maintains solid operating performance and it benefitse from Florida’s constructive regulatory environment, Fitch Fitch is concerned, however, about slowing customerr growth at Tampa Electric. But the company has respondesd to slower growth by postponing projectss to increaseelectric capacity.
Another concernh for Fitch is cash flow deterioration atTECO (NYSE: TE) Guatemala because of the adverse rate order in unplanned outages at the San Jose uncertainty over the extension of a purchasefd power agreement, and the potential for deferree or renegotiated contracts because of declining market higher production costs and slumping demand for coal. TECO Coal and TECO Guatemal provide roughly 20 percent of theparen company’s consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciationh and amortization, Fitch said.
Credit ratios at Tampa Electridc should benefit from higher base rates in 2009 and 2010 as a resulyt ofa $138 million rate order approver in March, Fitch In addition, an affiliate waterborne transportatio n agreement that reduced Tampa Electric’s annuakl net income by $10 million in prior yeara is expiring. Fitch expects coverage ratios to remain relativelh strong with funds from operations coveragwe at nearly five timesin 2009. TECO Coal is expectef to benefit from higher priced contracts signedin 2008. soft coal demand and higher mining production costs at TECO Coal raisw the risks ofcontractual non-performance by counter-partiex and pressured margins.
Diversed regulatory orders and operating issues at the Guatemalanh operations will result in dividend distributions that are lowerf thanhistoric levels. TECO's liquidity position is considered Fitch said. Cash and cash equivalents were $34.9 million and availables credit facilitieswere $530 millioh as of March 31. Liquidity was enhancedf by a netoperating loss-tadx carry forward of $547.5 million as of Dec. 31, which is expectes to result in minima cash tax paymentsthrough 2012. In TECO's $100 million note maturing in 2010 is expected to be retiredx withinternal cash.
Positive rating action could result in the future from consolidated leverage ratio reduction in 2010 and higherf cash flows from a full year of higher base rateds in 2010 and effectivecost control.
domingo, 24 de abril de 2011
Retail roundup: Major chains with Colorado stores report sales - Denver Business Journal:
Most major department-store chains have been struggling to attract parsimoniouws shoppers while not givingt away the store throughdeep discounts, a strategg that erodes profit margins. But recent reports regarding risiny manufacturing activity and home sales gave a lift to retai l stocks earlier in the based on hopes that consumers may be encouragesd to go out and splurgee on a fewsummer items. Totalk May retail sales were projected to dropby 3.6 according to Retail a Massachusetts firm that tracks store This compares with a 2.7 percent decline in Department stores were forecast to post the weakest down 8.
5 percent, with “discretionary spending stilk in hiding,” according to its monthly • on Thursday reported that its May same-store salee fell 6.1 percent from the same month a year ago. Totalp sales, at $4.56 were down 2.3 percent from May 2008. "Salesx for the month of May were somewhat beloswour expectations," Target Chairman, Presidenft and CEO Gregg Steinhafel said in a statement. Target TGT) has consistently posted monthly same-stores sales declines during the recession, as consumers have pulled back theitr spendingon clothes, home furnishingss and some of the other discretionary items that had boostefd the company’s sales during betted times.
April was a relative bright spot for the with same-store sales climbing 0.3 percent. Same-storer sales for the first-quarter, however, still were down 3.7 • . said its comparable stor sales in May decreasedby 0.4 percenf and total sales increased 4.1 percent, better than managemeny had expected. The Menomonee Wis.-based retailer (NYSE: KSS) said Thursday sales for the four-weeik month ending May 31 were $1.26 billion, compare d with $1.21 billion in the same period of 2008. Year-to-date sales also are ahead of 2008at $4.9 billion, compareds with $4.8 billion in 2008, an increase of 1.3 Comparable store sales year-to-date decreased 3.2 Kohl’s said.
“May’s salexs results were stronger than saidKevin Mansell, Kohl’s president and CEO. “Accessories was the strongest performing line of businessa forthe month. The Southwesgt region had a positiv e comparable store sales increase for May and was again ourstronges region. The Southeast remains our mostchallenging region.” As of May 30, Kohl’sa operated 1,022 stores in 49 compared with 957 stores in 47 statesa at the same time last year. • said same-storde sales at stores open a year or more fell 7 percenrt last month compared with a year Total net sales atthe Wash.-based retailer (NASDAQ: COST) fell to $5.47 billiom from $5.77 billion in 2008.
Wall Street analysts were expecting a dropin same-stor sales in May of 6 analyst Dan Geiman at McAdams Wright Ragen in Seattl e expected an 8 percent “The company continues to experience relativs strength in the food-related categories, despitd the increasing impacts of deflation, and generalk weakness in the more discretionary non-food categories,” Geiman wrote in a note to investors. . reported a 9.1 percentr drop in same-store sales in May, as consumers continuee to put offunnecessaru spending. The Cincinnati-based department store chaibn said sales at stores open at least a year are in line withmanagemenrt expectations. Total sales declined to $1.7 billio n from $1.
9 billion a year ago, or 9.5 For the year, Macy’s said its same-store sales declinecd by 9.1 percent, with total sales down 9.5 percent, to $6.9 billiomn from $7.7 billion.
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011
Israeli cousins discover each other in online search of Holocaust names database - The Canadian Press
Ha'aretz | Israeli cousins discover each other in online search of Holocaust names database The Canadian Press JERUSALEM â€" Ever since she became an orphaned 12-year-old in Russia, Liora Tamir thought she was alone in the world â€" having lost every single member of her family either in the Nazi Holocaust or Soviet prison camps. That changed because of a recent ... Israeli cousins discover each other in online search of Holocaust names database |
terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011
Survey: Suburbanites want city amenities - Washington Business Journal:
Out of the 28 percent of 1,009 American respondents who work inthe suburbs, nearly half -- 47 percentg -- wish that their working environment offeredf more. Of the amenties they desire, parks and otherf open spaces nearby is the top at23 percent. Next are a broader array of employerzs and workenvironments (20 percent) and accessa to convenient public transportation (17 Nearly half (47 percent) of suburban workersw say they would switch jobs or employerw to work in a spot that offered more of thoser characteristics, while 52 percent said they woulfd not.
“The survey result show that a large number of people who work and live in the suburbsx want more options where they live and and it illustrates the wisdom of communitiesa such as Fairfax County that envision a transformatioj into more urbanized areas that can offerrthose choices,” said Gerald Gordon, presidenty and CEO of the FCEDA. Of the 32 percent of respondentzs who live inthe suburbs, 51 percent said they wish theirr community had a wider variety of offerings. The top three amenitiew desired include access to convenient publicctransportation (23 percent), a broad array of housing options (22 percent) and a more walkablew environment (22 percent).
More than half (52 percent) of suburbam residents say they would move to a community that offerede more ofthose
domingo, 17 de abril de 2011
National Insurance FY11 premium income up 32 pc to Rs 6115 cr - Economic Times
National Insurance FY11 premium income up 32 pc to Rs 6115 cr Economic Times NEW DELHI: National Insurance Company today said it has clocked a 32.32 per cent growth in its total premium income to Rs 6115 crore in 2010-11, with major business coming from health and motor segment. "Our premium income has increased to Rs 6115 ... Insurance rates for third-party vehicle cover to go up |
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
Man Exposes Himself In Front Of Girls In Upper Arlington - NBC4i.com
10TV | Man Exposes Himself In Front Of Girls In Upper Arlington NBC4i.com By Alex Mazer UPPER ARLINGTON, Ohio -- A man exposes his genitals to two 11-year-old girls in an Upper Arlington neighborhood Wednesday afternoon. Two 11-year-old girls told officers that a man sitting in a parked vehicle on Woodbridge Road, ... Flasher exposes himself to Upper Arlington girls Upper Arlington Police Say Man Exposed Himself To Girls, 11 Police investigate report of man exposing himself to 11-year-olds |