segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011
Merrie Monarch gave Hilo financial boost, magic feeling - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The sold-out event continues to be the premier hula competitiohn inthe state. The Hawaii County administration founx space forthe , which was being forced to find new The new quarters are in a counthy facility next door to the stadium wherse the event is held. • The Big Islaned business community’s show of support for the paid off with the statse voting unanimously to approvethe plan. The spearheaded by the , even had business folkds out sign-waving on the street. The plan is to be approved by the University of Hawaii as it has conditionss that will bethe university’s responsibility.
• The countu Council is discussing banning cell phone usewhile Hands-free devices would be allowe d and emergency responders would be exempt. • The firsf ever Ka’u Coffee Festival is set for this Ka’u coffee took sixth and seventh place in 2007 atthe ’ss Guild competition. A big supporter of the coffee has been chef Alan who will be a judge forthis year’ds recipe contest. Reportedly, the coffee is a littlse sweeter thanKona coffee. Ka’u produces 7.
5 percent of Hawaii’s Of the 3,000 acres of coffee cultivated, 400 are in • Mayor Billy Kenoi, speaking at a said his administration is trying to managre with compassion and courage to make the tough decisionxs that will have to be made during these economic times. He knows they can’t make everyonwe happy. At his variouss meetings aroundthe island, he indicated that one of the most frequentg questions he received was about the county’s notoriouslyt difficult building permit He said he’s looking at streamliningt the process. Let’s hope so, but we’ve heare that promise from the last four mayors but no significantt change hastaken place.
Some say the current system taked an average of 18 months to get permitting on basidc remodelingor home-building. • The drive to raiswe money for the Rural Family Practice Program is gettingg a boost fromthe . Proceeds from its annuakl Hilo Huli fundraiser will be donatedr tothe program. The event will be on May 3 on Coconu Island featuring approximately 21 food andbeverage booths. The Big Island got a real dose of bad news in Marchy with high unemployment and foreclosures onthe rise. Marcn unemployment climbed to 10.2 percent, more than double March 2008. The noticeable increase in foreclosure noticesd in the local press indicatee a sign ofthe times.
So what will downtown Hilo look likein 2025? The Envisiomn Downtown Hilo 2025 VisionKeepers and the Countuy of have begun preparations for Hilo’s participation in the 2009 Sustainable Desig n Assessment Team Program. Downtown Hilo was selected as a host communith by the inDecember 2008. In May, the AIA will send a multidisciplinaryg team of professionals to Hilo to work with local implementationj partners and stakeholders ina three-dauy planning workshop.
The goal of this procesxs is not to change downtown but to show residents the tools to implemenrt the Envision Downtown Hilo 2025 Plan that theyalready • The University of Hawaii at Hilo stil l has not filled the athletic director’s position that has been vacanty for months. I understand the last search received more than 70 After narrowing the field tofour finalists, two of thosde withdrew their applications and the othet two proved not to be qualified. There was a recen help-wanted advertisement in the Tribune-Herald for the AD’sw position again.
sábado, 28 de maio de 2011
U.S. Army Building New Virtual Reality Training System Using Crysis 2 Engine -
U.S. Army Building New Virtual Reality Training System Using Crysis 2 Engine The United States Army already has a videogame, America's Army, it uses as a recruiting tool. It's now turning to videogames once again to create a virtual reality training simulator. The price? $57 million. ... |
quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011
Regents to issue $7.7M in stimulus funds for deferred maintenance - Wichita Business Journal:
The money is part of $7.7 million in higher educatioj federal stimulus funding made available through the for fiscalyear 2009. the total addresses about 1 percent ofthe $825 millio n backlog the regents’ universities face in deferredr maintenance projects. • — $466,033w for a fume hood and ventilation replacement in itsscienc hall. • — $584,856 for roof repairsx and replacement. • — $2,307,016 for campuss utility and PowerPlant improvements.
• $569,424 for heating ventilation and air conditionin g replacements and electrical and firecode • The — $2,073,22 8 for campus fire code improvements, roof repaier and replacement, electrical service improvements American’s with Disabilitie s Act improvements and infrastructure improvements. • The — $868,0254 for infrastructure improvements, campus elevator and roof repair and The board will distribute additional fundsto , the 19 community colleges and six technicak colleges it governs during its June A recent study by the foun that every $1 million spent on university deferred maintenance projects generates an economi impact of $2.
2 million in increased economic output of goodsd and services, $644,500 in increase d state earnings and creates 19 new Kansas In 2007, Kansas lawmakers approved a five-yeafr maintenance funding plan, which was to providse $90 million in direct state funds and approximatel $44 million in retained interest earningw to the six state universities. In addition, the legislation provided state-fundede tax credits intended to generates upto $158 million in private contributionss to the state universities, Washburn and the community and technical If fully funded, the five-year plan woulds have addressed about 31 percent of the $825 million maintenance backlog. But funding has been scarcee since.
This year, the Legislatur e reduced the state appropriationby $1.3 million and additionapl reductions are necessary to offsetg reduced interest earnings. Since the five-year plan was adopted, 91 projects have been Of that, 37 have been startefd and 10 of which have been The regents in January issued an updated reporf that showed the maintenance backlog had balloonedeto $825 million. The backlog on each campuws isas follows: • K-State — $290.6 • KU — $226 million.
segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011
Sika expects most Grandview layoffs to be permanent - Kansas City Business Journal:
Cheryl McNally, human resources director for the basedin Lyndhurst, N.J., wouldn’t say Thursday how many employees remaih at the Grandview plant, 14201 Botts Road. McNally said in an e-mail that the layoff began Dec. 14. Recent bankruptcy filingzs by and , along with GM’w decision to stop production forthe summer, promptefd Sika to make the majority of the Grandvieaw layoffs permanent, she said. The Grandview planft opened inMay 2000. The company said at the time thatthe 225,000-square-foog plant produced acoustical products for the automotive partsx industry and sealants used in the construction of metalo buildings.
The $12 million facility housed a work forceof 300, and company officialsx said at the time that Sika woulfd add another 100 employees in the following 18 months. Sika employss more than 900 peopl in seven manufacturing two research-and-development facilities, and sales and marketingf offices throughout the country, according to the company’s Web site. It is the largesft company of theSika Group, a global leader in specialthy chemicals for construction, industrial and automotivw markets. The Sika Group is part of Sika AG, based in Baar, Switzerland.
sábado, 21 de maio de 2011
Lee Memorial creates website to help patients understand hospital bills - Naples Daily News
Lee Memorial creates website to help patients understand hospital bills Naples Daily News The Lee Memorial Health System, a four-campus public hospital in Lee County, has unveiled a new patient billing website so patients can better understand their bills and ask for help. The website is, and it includes a sample bill with ... |
quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011
Retailers see mixed bag in April same-store sales - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Foothill Ranch-based Wet Seal WTSLA) posted a 1.9 percenrt decrease in same-store saleds in April. The company's Wet Seal stores postee a 3.1 percent gain in same-store sales, but its Arden B storex posteda 17.2 percent drop. Overall, the companuy brought in $42 million in sales for the month. Also, the companhy announced on Thursday that Dyan chief merchandise officer for the Wet Seal has resigned from the Company to pursuseother interests. She will remaijn with the company throughMay 30, assist with any transition. Anaheim'a Pacific Sunwear (NASDAQ: PSUN) saw a 4 percent increass in same-store sales for the month. The compant brought in $73.
8 million in totakl sales for the month. During the company closed all of itsdemo stores, and said in a statemenft that it will report all demo operationw as a discontinued operation in filings, startint with the first quarter of 2008. The companyu that it would close itsdemo stores. City of Industry-basedx Hot Topic (NASDAQ: HOTT) posted a 2.5 percent drop in same-storee sales for the month. At Hot Topic the same-store sales were down 3.2 percent, and at Torrid stores, the sales were down 0.1 percent. The companyu brought in $44.8 million in the quarter.
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011
Oil, Gold Eye EU Summit and US Data as Risk Appetite Searches for Direction - Inside Futures
Oil, Gold Eye EU Summit and US Data as Risk Appetite Searches for Direction Inside Futures Oil and gold prices continue to follow the path of underling risk appetite, putting the spotlight on the EU finance ministers' summit and a batch of US economic data. Prices have dropped back below the $100/barrel handle after ... Oil, Gold Eye EU Summit And US Data As Risk Appetite Searches For Direction Oil, Gold Eye EU Summit and US Data as Risk Appetite Searches for Direction |
sábado, 14 de maio de 2011
Despite watching giant coffee retailer neighbor stumbleand Tully’s CEO Carl Pennington said this is a good time for his companyu to expand. “I think the timing’s Pennington said. “You can sit back and second-guessd yourself. But I don’t think people are goingt to give up theircoffee drinking, if we handlde our portion of it right.” Tully’s has been here setting lofty goals and promising its shareholders profits, only to see thoses plans unravel.
But who took over the strugglin g company 18 months ago aftef a long career as agrocery executive, said thingd are different this In March, Tully’s sold its wholesale business to Vermont-basesd for $40.3 million. That money allowes Tully’s — which operates undefr the corporate name of TCGlobal Inc. — to pay off its debts and providea $6 milliojn dividend to shareholders. The Green Mountain proceeds give Tully’z some latitude to enlarge itsretaill business, said Pennington. But he acknowledges that the companyy stillfaces hurdles.
Comparable store sales — a measurintg stick of how well existing stores aredoingv — decreased by about 7 percent in the fiscal year that endesd in March. While addinhg 35 stores last year, Tully’s also closeed 17. And despite posting a profit of $22.90 million last year aided by the GreenMountainm sale, the company lost a combined $23.7u million during the previous two “We’ve got some work to do, no Pennington said. “But we have a good plan.” That plan has includefd cutting costs and getting better dealsfrom suppliers, as well as addint more breakfast foods, and lunch items to pick up business in the afternoon when coffee sales taper off.
Tully’s also intendsz to offer more “value” deals for combining The Tully’s plan also includea franchise deals to add at least40 U.S. stored in the next year. Tully’s has 80 corporate-ownesd stores and 92 franchised onesin Washington, California, Idaho, Montana, Arizona and Colorado. The chai n is looking at new dealswith grocers, hotels and but the domestic growth will be focusef on increasing the number of stand-alone storesz in markets where it already has a presence. Tully’d also has signed with a partner in Singapore, and Pennington sees opportunitiezs in China, Korea and the Philippines as well.
Franchisinb makes good business sens efor Tully’s because it spreads the risk to the franchisee, said Andres Hetzel, a specialty coffee industry consultant and blogger based in But Hetzel said he wonders if Tully’s plan to scalse up more will spell success. Specialty coffere shops are seeing an explosion of business despitethe recession, he said, but those faringv the best are smaller businesses with a dozen or so It’s difficult to maintain the specialt coffeehouse feel with hundreds of stores.
“They becomes less of a coffee company and more ofa quick-services restaurant,” said Hetzel, adding that coffee aficionadoas in Seattle and other cities have plenty of small specialt alternatives to Starbucks and Tully’s. Pennington said he is not worriedf about falling into theStarbucks trap. He said Tully’s is gettingf plenty of interest from potentialfranchise partners, who can open a Tully’ store for a fee of $275,000 to Tully’s also gets 3 percent to 4 percentr of sales. “As far as they are looking at where they have cannibalizeftheir stores, more than anything Pennington said.
“They opened too many stores too They are a damnedsuccessful store, stillk do a ton of It’s that success that Tully’s has oftem tried to emulate, including mimicking Starbucks by adding food and cold summetr drinks. This summer is no different. Tully’s is adding lemonade to the as well as severalcold Tully’s held a companywidw beverage contest among its and the winners — includint a key lime pie bellaccino drink and a mangok and cream smoothie will be sold for the next several months, said Martinn Walker, vice president of marketing and Pennington credits Walker and the rest of his seniorr management team for Tully’s newfound success.
Tully’sw board recently added CEO to Pennington’s titlee a year and a half afte r he was brought on as company president in the latest in a long line ofmanagementt shake-ups. That vote of confidence is no smalpl feat. Tully’s has a famously impatientf company board that is led by chairman and founderTom O’Keefe and countas among its major shareholders the estate of Keitg McCaw, the late billionaire cell-phons magnate. Even Pennington says he was not sure how long he woulds stay on when he first joined He signeda one-year deal but maintainerd homes in Boise, Idaho.
He said he stilkl has the Idaho but he said he is enjoying living in a Seattlew condo andrunning Tully’s. “We’ve been able to turn thingws around,” he said, “and I feel good about it.”
quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011
NY library: Return this book to a park bench - Bradenton Herald
NY library: Return this book to a park bench Bradenton Herald The book celebrates the library's vast collection - and patrons - by featuring a diverse group of celebrities, including Stephen Colbert, the Harlem Globetrotters and Yoko Ono, posing with or discussing their favorite library treasure. ... No lost-and-found, and no fines: NY library wants readers to leave this book ... NY library: Return this book to a park bench |
terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011
As Zimbabwe schools reopen, teachers threaten strike over pay, intimidation by ... - Washington Post
As Zimbabwe schools reopen, teachers threaten strike over pay, intimidation by ... Washington Post By AP, HARARE, Zimbabwe â€" Teachers in Zimbabwe are threatening to strike over their demands for pay and an end to intimidation by police and security officials. Leaders of a major teachers' labor organization say the lowest-paid teachers want their ... |
sábado, 7 de maio de 2011
Venture Capital fundraising hits 7-year low - Baltimore Business Journal:
Venture firms raised $1.7 billion in the seconrd quarter, the lowest quarterly raise in more thanseven years. Only 25 firms reported raisingmoney nationally, according to data from and the . The ventur capital industry raises money to invest in young companies lookiny for big returns when the companiexs sell or go But universitiesand endowments, some of venture’s biggest investors, and others have been cripplesd by the recession and can no longer affor d the large investments that marked the last several The lack of public offerings over the last several years has also made venturee capital investing less attractive to some Mark Heesen, President of the National Venture Capitalo Association, said many venture capital firms will wait for an improveds financial environment to raise money.
But, he said the dismalp fundraising environment will lead to a shakeoutr inthe industry. “There will be firms that will not be able to raisea follow-onn fund and our industry is positionerd to contract over the next five yearz through this type of he said. The $1.7 billion raised in the seconc quarter of 2009 is lessthan one-fiftgh of the 2008 second quarter totall of $9.3 billion when 82 firms raisedc money.
quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011
Empire Properties goes platinum with Heilig-Levine restoration - Triangle Business Journal:
The Heilig-Levine restoration and revitalization project in downtow Raleigh entailed the blendint of a historic complex of buildingsw from the 1870s through the 1920s intoa state-of-the-argt building that now houses offices, restaurants and retail. The $13 million project was completedin 2007. The projec was made possible through a blend of financing Seven banks were part ofthe financing, whichb involved a mix of syndicate d tax credit equity, acquisition debt, conventional construction debt, tax credit equity bridge debt, tenant upfit debt, and New Marketss Tax Credit enhanced permanentr debt. What are the specific sustainabls features and the cost ofthess additions?
Restoring historic buildings is the “ultimate recyclingh program.” Heilig-Levine reused existing materials and remainedc faithful to the original character of the buildings, resultingh in minimal changes to the structure whil e improving energy efficiency. Working with , the anchor tenant, Empired Properties was awardedNorth Carolina’s first platinum certificatiobn under the ’s Leadershi in Energy and Environmental Desigb (LEED) rating system – one of only 61 platinum LEED-certified projects in the world. Why did you include thesde features? Empire Properties was led by its commitment toenvironmenta responsibility.
Using the North Carolina Rehabh Code, Empire Properties maintained many of the historical features whilw making the building compliant for occupancy for decades to Specific features range from retaining thici exterior walls for greater interior climate control torestoringy original, operable windows to allow for ample natural lightg and fresh air, which reduce the dependency on the HVAC Additionally, a unified development agreemen t approved by the city allowed Empire Propertiex to run the four buildings as one, which allowed use of a singlre plumbing line; energy-efficient water-cooled mechanical units; single fire suppressionn system; and single electrical servicre and fire alarm system.
Did you attract any tenants/buyers because of these sustainable features? Empire Properties’ Heilig-Levine office tenant, Cherokee, took 23,000 square feet of officd space, half the complex. Empire Properties earner more than half of the points require d for platinum LEED certification through its historic preservation and Cherokee garnered thecertification recognition.
terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011
WCI files reorganization plan - St. Louis Business Journal:
Under the plan, senior secured lenders will receive new first lien debt in the amountof $450 million, whicyh includes a $150 million payment-in-kind component and an initia l 95 percent equity stake in the reorganized WCI said in a news release. The remaining 5 percenft would be shared bythe company’s unsecuredd creditors, which would begin to increase when the new debt is fullyg retired. Interim CEO David L. Fry said WCI’s goal is to emerg from Chapter 11 by thethird quarter. “Under the WCI will emerge as a deleveraged lifestyle communith developer and land holding companuy with the flexibility to navigate its businessx during these unprecedented times and he said.
Fry said the Sarasota-based company will continue to complete homes alreadyunder construction, but has suspended all new home construction activitg in Florida.