sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
Hudson & Marshall foreclosure auction to feature 27 Triangle homes - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Triangle auction, conducted by auction company , will be held on at 1 p.m. at June 27 in the Hiltomn North Raleigh, 3415 Wake Forest All of the homes in the auction will be sold Buyers who wish to inspec t properties before bidding may view homea during an open house scheduled for June 20 from1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or by contactinyg the listing agent foran appointment. Propertyg and listing agent information is available onHudson & Marshall’s Web All homes come with titled insurance paid for bythe sellers. Winnin g bidders will be required to make a cash or certifie d check depositof $2,500p for each property. 826 Carter Ave. Durham; 101 Wake St.
West, 1526 Park Place, Hillsborough; 605 Grantland Drive, Raleigh; 911 Lancastedr St., Rocky Mount; 2521 Friedland Unit 203, Raleigh; 2312 Lindmont Durham; 740 North White St., Wake 3033 Slocomb Rd., Linden; 400 Charlotte St., Roanokse Rapids; Tract 3 Redding Road, Oxford; 5724 Greenpin Road, Cedar Grove; 700 Sout Roxboro St., Durham; 100 Waymon Way, 210 Barnes St., Fremont; 400 Melton Road, Rocku Mount; 104 Jones Court, 260 East Front St., Clayton; 11223 Raleigh Road, Four 313 Maddux Drive, Pikeville; 210 Hardingwoofd Drive, Goldsboro; 12351 Honeychurch St.
, Raleigh; 3233 Gold Dust Willow Spring; 5526 Spring Housee Lane, Chapel Hill; 2515 Mooree Mill Road, Rougemont; 301 Fox Park Louisburg; 303 St., Burlington.
quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011
Obama Heckled at Hollywood Fundraiser - Daily Beast
Los Angeles Times | Obama Heckled at Hollywood Fundraiser Daily Beast Best known in certain quarters as the glammed-up juke joint the Notorious BIG shouts out in Going Back to Cali (“I'm sippin' on booze/in the House of Bluesâ€), it's also the garish night spot where Phil Spector downed shots of Bacardi rum with champagne ... Obama pushes for jobs bill in Silicon V » |
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
Locals skeptical of Electoral College changes - Daily Local News
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader | Locals skeptical of Electoral College changes Daily Local News Chester County politicians are leery of the state Senate majority leader's proposed changes to how Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes for president are handed out. Sen. Dominic Pileggi, R-9th, of Chester, ... Pennsylvania, Nebraska Republicans Seek Changes To Electoral College System Congressional Republicans skeptical of Electoral College change Manipulation of state's electoral votes a blatant ploy Commentary Daylin Leach |
sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011
Employers should brace for new workplace rules - Dallas Business Journal:
The bill, which has the support of the Democraticc majority, threatens to subject Americanemployeras — including corporate officers — to severe civil and criminal penalties. According to congressionao testimonyby Sen. Ted D- Mass., nearly 5,700 American workers were killed on the job and more than 4 millionh became ill or are injurexdin 2007. Kennedy and others point to grim statistics showing that civil and criminal fines and penalties undee OSHAare lax. With solid majoritiew in the Houseand Senate, Democrats reintroduced the PAWA aftere earlier versions of the same bill stallef in committee during the last three sessionws of Congress.
PAWA enjoys the supporg of President Obama, who co-sponsored an earlier versiob of the bill asa senator, and is likel y to pass given the current political
quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011
Dell selling $1 billion in notes - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The sale includes $400 million in three-yea r notes expected to yield 150 basis points overcomparablw U.S. treasuries and $600 millioj in 10-year notes expected to yiele 195 basis pointsover treasuries, reported. Last Round Rock-based Dell DELL) reported a 63 percent decline in earningxs during the first quarter compared with the same period last The companyposted $290 million in profitsx during the three-month period versus $784 milliob during the first quarter last year. which employs about 16,00 0 workers in Central Texas, reported $12.
4 billion in quarterly revenue comparedwith $16 billion in revenuee during the first quarter last year — a 23 percent Dell officials said the recession hasn’t bottomed out and the companyu is preparing for strong business when enterprise customersx return to buying information technology products following the recession.
terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011
Romani Group to help find options for Denver
The group, led by Tim will work with longtimee real estate developer Ray Baker of Gold Crown Managementg onthe St. Anthony project. The current site is adjacent to Sloan’s Lake and bordered by Colfaxz Avenue, Stuart Street, 17th Avenue and Perrhy Street. Starting next year, the hospital will begi the process of moving from itscurrent 16-acr e site — where it has been locatefd for almost 100 years — to a 25-acre parcel in Lakewood’xs Federal Center near Kipling and Sixthy Avenue. St. Anthony plans to open a new orthopedic-surger y hospital at its Lakewood grounds in August 2010 and a new hospitapl to replace the Denver facility infall 2011.
Romank said the group will take at about two years to evaluate thecurrent St. Anthony property and work with the communityy before taking requests for proposalsd from developers and decidde what uses will best serve the the hospital andthe community. He added that the site’e proximity to Sloan’s Lake Park and its scenic viewds of downtown Denver and the mountain ranger make it an attractive propertyfor mixed-use development that is heavyh on residential housing, but would include a large commercial complex as well as some officde buildings.
“It’s a fair assumption that much of the existinhg facility willbe demolished,” Romani He declined to estimate how much the propertyy was worth. Romani managed a similar process while servinbg as the vice chancellor of planning and developmeng forthe . The university’a former medical campus on Coloradoo Boulevard at Ninth Avenue was sold to Shea Propertied after the hospital relocated to its new home at the Anschutzz Medical Campus in Other Romani Group projects include the renovation of BoettcherrConcert Hall, the Colorado Conventioj Center expansion project, the Pepsi Center, Invesco Field at Mile High, Dick’s Sportinf Goods Park and Broomfield Event The group is also collaboratint on a joint venture to overses the development of the future home of in Lakewood.
domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011
OpenTV rejects Kudelski offer - San Francisco Business Times:
A special committee of San Francisco-based ’e board of directors rejected an unsolicited proposal by Kudelski SA to acquire all outstandinb shares ofthe company’s Class A ordinary stock not owned by Kudelski or its affiliatezs for $1.35 per share. Using language typicapl in such situations, the committee called the offer “inadequate and not in the best interests of the companty andits stockholders,” saying it reachefd its conclusion “after careful including a thorough review of OpenTV’s businesa and prospects, and other factors, with its independenr financial advisor, .” OpenTV sells television set-tolp box software.
OpenTV reported a net profit in 2008 for the firs t time since its stargt in1994 — $9.6 million on revenu e of nearly $117 million. Last month, the companhy reported that for the quartef ended March 31 revenueswere $29.4 million, compared with $33. 8 million for the first quarterof 2008. Net incomre for the first quarterwas $1.2 compared with $6.3 million for the first quarter of 2008.
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011
Regents to issue $7.7M in stimulus funds for deferred maintenance - Kansas City Business Journal:
The money is part of $7.7 million in higher education federal stimulus funding made available througuh the for fiscalyear 2009. However, the totalp addresses about 1 percent ofthe $825 million backlohg the regents’ universities face in deferred maintenance projects. — $466,033 for a fume hood and ventilation replacement in itssciencs hall. • — $584,8566 for roof repairs and replacement. • — $2,307,01t6 for campus utility and PowerPlant • — $569,424 for heating ventilatioj and air conditioning replacements and electricap and fire code improvements.
• The — $2,073,228i for campus fire code roof repairand replacement, electrical service improvements American’sx with Disabilities Act improvementa and infrastructure improvements. • The — $868,02e4 for infrastructure improvements, campus elevator repairs, and roof repaitr and replacement. The board will distributed additional fundsto , the 19 community collegezs and six technical colleges it governs during its June A recent study by the found that ever y $1 million spent on university deferrex maintenance projects generates an economi c impact of $2.
2 million in increased economic output of goodsz and services, $644,500 in increased stater earnings and creates 19 new Kansaws jobs. In 2007, Kansas lawmakers approve a five-year maintenance funding which was toprovide $90 million in direct state funds and approximately $44 millionn in retained interest earnings to the six state In addition, the legislation provided state-funded tax credits intenderd to generate up to $158 million in private contributions to the state universities, Washburnn University, and the community and technicakl colleges. If fully funded, the five-year plan would have addresse d about 31 percent ofthe $825 million maintenances backlog.
But funding has been scarce since. This the Legislature reduced the state appropriationby $1.3 millio and additional reductions are necessargy to offset reduced interest Since the five-year plan was adopted, 91 projects have been Of that, 37 have been startes and 10 of which have been completed. The regentd in January issued an updated report that showed the maintenancew backlog had balloonedto $825 The backlog on each campus is as follows: K-State — $290.6 million. KU — $226 million.
terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011
Peabody, Arch Coal join carbon capture center - St. Louis Business Journal:
The center is a public-private partnership to advance the next generation of carbonj capture andstorage technologies. The effortg will be based at the Power Systems Development Facilituy southof Birmingham, Ala., a carboh research and development laboratory. Southern Co. will managre and operate the facility. Peabody has been a fundintg partner of the PSDFsince 1997. The Nationall Carbon Capture Center will bring together scientists and technology expertsfrom government, industry and academiaq to analyze both pre-combustion and post-combustionb carbon capture technologies in a coal-fueled powerr plant setting.
Once fully operational in 2010, the center will play a leadinbg role in the global effort toadvance cost-efficient, large-scale carbon capture and storage operations at coal-fueled power plants. Peabody Energgy (NYSE: BTU) is the world’s largest private-sectodr coal company with 2008 sales of 256 million tonsand $6.6 billiobn in revenue. Its coal products fuel 10 percent ofall U.S. electricity generation and 2 percent ofworldwide St. Louis-based Arch Coal Inc. is one of the nation'sd largest acoal producers, providing the fuel for 6 percen of the electricity generated in theUnitec States.
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
North Shore theater likely to liquidate - Austin Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financially distressed theatet has failed to raisethe $2 million it needefd to put on 2009 productions, althougn more than $500,000 in pledges have been made sincse the theater announced a turn-around strateg in mid April. “The thing we know is that we’r e not putting on a 2009 I think the very likely consequence of that is that we will very quickl go outof business,” said David Fellows, chairma n of the North Shore Music Theatr board.
“Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 it’s completely up in the air at the Without a production seasonthis year, the theate r is unable to address the substantial debtss of its creditors and restore the theater’sw economic health, said Fellows. The theatedr is approximately $10 milliohn in debt, including large mortgages on its property and buildingas and debtsto vendors, the Statw of Massachusetts, and subscribers who paid in advancse for the 2009 season.
Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,400 subscribers are unlikely to get their money Subscriptions cost upwardsof $350 per Theater executives are in discussions with seniort creditors and are reviewing a liquidatioj to maximize the valuew of the theater’s assets for its stakeholders as well as identifyh potential “friendly” buyers of the property who mightr consider a lease back of the Fellows said.
sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011
Vernon Manuscript aims to unlock West Midlands accent origins - BBC News
BBC News | Vernon Manuscript aims to unlock West Midlands accent origins BBC News Experts at the University of Birmingham are using a 600-year-old medieval manuscript to try to unlock the origins of the West Midlands accent. The Vernon Manuscript, which dates back to about 1400, was written in the region's dialect. ... |
quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011
In the Nation | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-07 - Philadelphia Inquirer
In the Nation | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-07 Philadelphia Inquirer HARTFORD, Conn. - The family of a Yale University graduate student killed in a research lab just days before she was to be married in 2009 sued the Ivy League school Tuesday, contending it had failed to adequately protect women on campus for years. ... |
domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011
Reed's Bridge battle re-enactment big hit -
Reed's Bridge battle re-enactment big hit The Reed Bridge Battlefield Preservation Society presented its fourth Civil War re-enactment of the battle. From the beginning of the re-enactment to the end, it appeared that the estimated 80 participants and hundreds of observers had a good time. ... |
sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011
DOD's top personnel official comes under fire for leadership style - Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes | DOD's top personnel official comes under fire for leadership style Stars and Stripes Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, was brought in last year to reorganize the division, which oversees the wounded warrior transition program. Since Stanley took over, the process of moving injured ... Pentagon personnel chief draws criticism |