sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2012
Burger chain inks first
The first two Smashburger restaurantxs are ontheir way. The first, located in the Ston e Ridge shopping center, is set to open on June 21. Store No. 2 will open in early July, at the Park North shopping To celebrate the debut of this new takeon fast-casuapl burgers, SB Alamo will have a grandr opening celebration on June 27 at the Stone Ridge The center is located at U.S. Highwag 281 and Evans Road, on the far North Park North is located alongLoop 410, betweebn Blanco Road and San Pedro in North Central San Antonio. “Wde are excited to bring the Smashburger experience toSan Antonio,” says Mike director of marketing for SB Alamo.
“At Smashburger, the core of the brandd is to beeveryg city’s favorite burger place ... .” The owneer and developer of the Smashburger conceptis Denver-based private equity firm . The Smashburger hamburger starts with a choice ofbuns — a butter-toaste egg bun, multi-grain or spicy The signature touch is the beef is smasherd on the grill. It is a proceses that creates on the bottom of the pattt a caramelized coating of juicew that give the burgerits
quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012
Early whale migration baffles experts - ABC Online
Early whale migration baffles experts ABC Online The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) says whales are not usually spotted until late May or early June but are already being seen off the Queensland coast. GBRMPA spokesman Mark Read says scientists are unsure why the animals have ... |
terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012
Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the regiom was weak and is expected to remain the closely watchedsurvey said, but “an uptick in manufacturingb orders helped stabilize expectations for future The Beige Book also said that “commercial real estate marke conditions deteriorated, and energy activity declined further.” Bankers, it “reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demand with no erosion in loan quality.” It said consumef price and wage pressures remained low.
producer prices “declined at a slower pace, with some firm s noting that higher commodity prices boosted material andfuel Overall, the latest regional Beige Book covering a six-week period — was somewhay more optimistic than the last released April 15. The report covers the Fed’ss Kansas City-based 10th District. It is basexd on interviews with a sample of businessesw representing key industries in each The reports are anecdotal and do notcontaib statistics, but they are widely followed and help the Fed to set nationa economic policy. The Fed’s 10th District includes Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as western Missourui and northernNew Mexico.
Formally known as the “Summaryg of Commentary on Current Economivc Conditions by FederalReserve District,” the Beige Book is publishedf eight times a year. The latest report coveras late Aprilthrough May. The Federal Reserve’s 10th Districrt is also known as the Kansas City district becausethe reserve’s regional bank is based .
domingo, 29 de abril de 2012
Cops quiz husband over wife - The Australian
Brisbane Times | Cops quiz husband over wife The Australian THE husband of missing Brisbane woman » |
sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012
GDP report doesn't weigh on stocks, draws mixed reaction from analysts - Washington Post
CBS News | GDP report doesn't weigh on stocks, draws mixed reaction from analysts Washington Post The news from the Commerce Department on Friday that the US economy had grown at a rate of only 2.2 the first three months of the year was disappointing to those expecting a higher figure. But not so much so that the underwhelming report set ... A weaker first quarter doesn't mean a weak year Growth slowed at year's start but some see rebound |
quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012
Skills carryover helps startups hone ventures - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Elliott, 45, spent 18 years as a technical writer for and community relations managerefor . Five years ago, however, sensinhg change with her position at Lucentwas coming, she Two years later, using $80,000 in personaol savings and a credit card, Elliotg opened . In the markert for a spring jacket? Shopperd at her store are likely to find one adorned with buttons andbelt loops. What abour baubles? Young ladies on the fence about gettin g their ears pierced are sure to be pushed off by a set of tiny cupcake-shaped earrings.
Elliott says she believex that ifmerchandise isn’t different enough to warrant a customers are likely to bypass it as opposed to makinh a beeline to the cash register. The shop owned never read this in a book but knows it byinstinctt – something she honed and learnedr to trust during her days at AT&T and “I am always on the lookout for qualityu products that are feminine and there also has to be some sort of twis – something that’s going to give customers a littlwe bit more bang for their says Elliott, who targetd teenagers and women interested in versatile jewelry and handbags.
“It’s all about knowing your audience, whic is something I learned back when I was writingoperations manuals. It’s a skill I now appluy to this business.” in fact, made it a point to brintg her corporate communications background to the tabls to help maximize her investmentr andattract customers. “As Lucentf Technologies Columbus Works communithrelations manager, I was in charge of special events, which means I know how to begi n with a vision and implement ever detail,” she says.
“These days, one of my primary methodas of getting people through my door revolves aroundspeciap events, including private shopping parties, girls’ nights out and breakfasr mixers for women busines owners in New Albany.” Furthermore, she offersw up her store for networkingh and events, even up to the poinr of making the invitations and providing refreshments. “It’se all stuff I learned how to do when I worked at my old she says. The idea is to introduce her shop to potentia customers without breaking the bank something else Elliott picked upat Lucent. “The companh encouraged us to manage its departmenta budgets as if the money wasour own.
Thesd days, the money really is my own,” she says. It’s not uncommon for professionals to take stock of their careerz when they see job functionws consolidated and coworkers losingf their jobs because ofnumberd crunches, as it did for It’s especially difficult when mid-life sneaks up and passionn for the job givex way to stress and pressure. For a few of these the answer can be foundin entrepreneurship, says Pierrew Daunic, president of . “I wouldn’t call it but given the state of the more and more people areconsidering (self-employment) as an he says.
Daunic, whose six-year-old company specializes in cover lettet andresume development, says entrepreneurs who possessz certain fundamental skills, including leadership and communications skills, are in the best positio to use those talents in meaningful ways even when the startup is unrelated to the caree that developed those talents. “For I started out as an Air Force officer, moved into commercial construction, and then startec teaching at the ,” Daunic said.
“What I do in particular, revolves arounds the teaching skills I learned at the academh because I teach clients how to market Prior to becoming a business he stumbled intoa high-tech recruitingt career thanks, he says, to the eclecticx skills he gained in the “After serving 10 years in the Air Force, I walked into an employment agency to hand in my resume only to receivwe a job offer from the agency. I believe it was becausr I was well educater and possessed a broadr knowledge ofdifferent (military) careers,” says who has worked in the career fiel since 1980.
Celia Crossley of Columbus-basedf , which specializes in careetr managementfor individuals, says gaining experience in one industry and then launchinvg a business in anothet isn’t common practice. “It’s more the exception than the It takes someone very committed to make such a says Crossley, who can think of one client who did it. A formee manager for a chemical company and a graduate student majoring in her client used his academic skillss to research franchise opportunities befors settling ona dry-cleaning operation in the earl 1990s, Crossley says.
As difficult as it is to reassign one’s abilities in an unrelatedr entrepreneurial setting, Crossley says she is even less optimistif when it comes to transferring extraneouz skills in the currentjob market. Therwe is simply no reason these days for employers to considere candidateswho don’t match up in obvioua ways. “For example, if an HR professional has a job openinf that requires experience in four different you can bet she will find someone who has experiencer inall four. You are not going to attracyt attention from employers unless you aligb perfectly with the she says.
terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012
Phoenix tech industry No. 29 among 100 U.S. metro areas - Phoenix Business Journal:
The study, conducted by Americaj City Business Journals, parent company of the Phoeniz BusinessJournal , found Phoenisx ranked 29th among the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan areas for its technologt industry. The Valley ranked high in termws of the number of tech employees and typeszof companies, but the relative lack of an educated work force to attractg new industry hampered its overalll ranking. The study crowned San Jose, the heart of Siliconb Valley, as the best tech market. Phoenix also fell behine Dallas (14th), Tucson (18th), Detroit (21st), Albuquerque and Denver (27th) in terms of how attractived it is asa high-tecyh center.
Steve Zylstra, CEO of the , sees the rankings as a sign that Arizona is heading in the rightf direction in terms of diversifying its economy withmore tech-intensivre businesses. In the past five years, the stater has launched efforts to land morebiotech companies. Duringf the past year, teamed with industry leaders to launcy the Aerospace Institute and theSolar Institute. “We’ve made a lot of but we also still have a lot of workto do,” he “Arizona’s leaders have shown recently they understand the state’s future depends on investingy in our technology base.
” According to the Phoenix has 4,199 high-tecjh companies and more than 81,000 high-tech That equals about 19.4 jobs per high-tech company. Those numbers put the Valleyh in the top 25 percent Butonly 7.5 percent of the area’s residentx have master’s degrees or placing Phoenix well below San at 17 percent, or even Tucson, at 10.2 percent. Marilyn principal of MGT Associates LLC and a board memberof TechAmerica, said the statwe has put numerous technology incentives into play, such as the researcu and development tax credit. Theree also is increasing investment in Arizonaw firms by local investors and national venturecapitalo firms, she said.
The state still needs to do more to ensurde the industry will remain competitive and continudeto grow, Teplitz said. “Ww are not aggressive enough in supporting corporate and need to take a longer view on the sustaininf benefits resulting from an increase incorporate headquarters,” she said. The Valley and stat e benefit when more tech jobs are but state officials still must focus on policiee that will enable future Zylstra said.
“The technology industriex thatcreate goods, engage in trade and create higher-than-averagwe paying jobs are the underpinning for the state’s entire economy,” he “Most all other industries are built arounf them, and will only flourish if the technologyy industry flourishes. When the Legislature approves R&Ds tax credits and Intel decides toinvestr $3 billion in a Chand-ler plant, we all
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
The North Assembly plant, which producesa Dodge Ram trucks, had been by the end of so Chrysler’s announcement Wednesday provided an exact The Fenton North plant is set to resume production June 29 untiolJuly 10, Chrysler said, and then will remain idled “contingen upon volumes.” The truck segment has taken a particular hit as auto saleds have declined. Dianna Gutierrez, a Chrysler spokeswoman, said workers at the planty will have an opportunity to transferf to other production sitesz or take part in an incentiver program forearly retirement, special early retirement and/or an enhanced voluntary termination She didn’t have exact details of the new offed but said it would be similar to previous offers that includedx lump-sum cash payments, vehicle vouchers and health-care The North Plant employed 1,20o0 workers prior to recent buyout offers.
Abouyt 640 the buyout and early retiremen t offers by a May26 deadline. The North Assemblgy plant was idled inearly June, but was one of seven plants where Chrysler production followingg the idling of all its plants when it filecd for Chapter 11 bankruptcy April 30. After its brieg reopening, the plant was then expected to close fora two-week summere break the weeks of July 13 and 20. Chrysler emergedr from bankruptcy when Italian carmaker Fiat closed a deal to takeover Chrysler’se assets.
Chrysler’s South Plant in Fenton, whichn assembles minivans, was idled at the end of Another 115 of its more than 350 workers had accepted offers fromChrysler
sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012
Waco hospital joins Texas Cord Blood Bank network - San Antonio Business Journal:
Doctors will begin collecting blood from the the umbilicalo cords of babies born at in Wacostartingh Monday. The blood will help produce treatments for a number of Cord blood is richin blood-making cells that can be used to treatg lymphoma and leukemias, sickle-cell anemia and othetr disorders, severe immune-system disorders and genetic defecte affecting the blood-making The Texas Cord Blood Bank, a divisiob of the in San Antonio, collects bloof from partner hospitals throughout the state.
“As the state’s first public cord blood bank in we are closing in on nearly one dozenn hospital partnerships throughout the state to ensure we are providing the opportunithy for mothers across the state to donatrthis life-saving resource,” says Norman D. Kalmin, president, CEO and medicaol director of the South TexasBlood & Tissur Center. “Providence will make an exceptional partner on our journeyu to make cord blood available to even more families in Blood bank officials are working to establish a networj of hospitals throughout the state in order to generate a supply of blood tosupport Texas’ patientt population.
Because genetic makeup affects the compatibility betweebn the blood of donorsand recipients, it is importanty to develop an ethnically diverse supply of cord The South Texas Blood & Tissue Cented also is responsible for collecting fresh suppliesa of blood from adult donors. South Texazs hospitals rely on this blood fortraumz care, transfusions and surgeries.
quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012
BofA raises $26B for fed buffer - Dayton Business Journal:
billion in new capital that federal regulators say thebank needs. Last BofA sold $13.5 billion in common stock. The Charlotte, N.C.-based bank issuexd 1.25 billion shares at an average priceof $10.7u per share. Also this BofA sold a 5.7 percent stakes in to Asian According to The WallStreef Journal, which cited individuals familiar with the matter, BofA receivedc $7.3 billion from the deal. In addition, BofA has agreee to exchange $5.9 billioj in preferred shares held by nongovernmental entitiesd for 436 million shares ofcommon stock. BofA could issure up to an additionap 564 million common shares in asimilart exchange.
The company (NYSE: BAC) reiterated it could raise more funds by selling assets such as FirsftRepublic Bank, a San Francisco-based bank, and entering into jointr ventures. Early this month, the federal governmenty told BofA it needed toraise $33.o9 billion in additional capitalk after the Federal Reserve conducte its “stress tests” on the 19 largest U.S. The government’s tests, officially called the Supervisory CapitalAssessmen Program, were designed to assess the banks’ ability to survive if economicv conditions worsen more than expected during the next two years.
“W are quite pleased with the capital-raising effort and the progresss toward completing the asset sales and establishment of thejoinf ventures,” said Joe Price, BofA chief financial “The company hopes to use the majority of the proceedas from these initiatives to reduce reliance on government supporr for the company.”
terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012
Cover Florida partners with United Healthcare, Blue Cross, others - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
But constraints about the scope of the coverage have some underwriters concerned that potential opportunities providede by the new products will be mitigated if they are hard to The plans are beintg offered as part of the Cover Floridaw Health CareAccess Program, an initiative approved by the Legislaturw this year to provide low unsubsidized insurance for individuals through private insurers. Gov.
Charlie Crist has said the plans could extenxd coverage to nearly 4 milliobn individuals ages 19 to 64 who currently are Cover Florida got a jumpstart this month when regulatorszchose , one of the businesses of (NYSE: and Jacksonville-based to provide statewide Four regional plans were chosen to provide coveragr in northeast and southeast Florida: Totaol Health Choice and JMH Health Plan, each with administrativ e offices in Miami; Medica Health Plan of Florida in Coral and Florida Health Plan in Holly Three other plans, including Universap Health Care of St. Petersburg, submittedf bids but were disqualified becauss they failed to meetmandatorty criteria.
The Agency for , which is working with the to set up and monitofthe program, asked companies submittingg bids to price their productes at $150 a month on the high end, said Davic Lewis, UnitedHealthcare’s CEO for central and nortu Florida. That’s less than half the cost of premiumsx fortraditional products, he said. All the carriers will offefr consumers at leasttwo plans, one with catastrophixc and hospital coverage, and one without such coverage. The cost of coveragw will vary, depending on the plan and the age and sex of the There willbe caps, or uppert limits, on coverage in order to keep premiumx affordable, Lewis said.
For instance, a benefits grid from AHCA showd UnitedHealthcare’s catastrophic plan would cover 10 days a year for a hospital stay and emergenc room care benefits would not be provideds for the treatment of illnesses typicall treated ina doctor’s “These products won’t be the types of products that people would normally see in an employer-sponsorer plan because of the economics,” Lewis The caps could dampen the enthusiasm of some agents about the new said Heidi Bushko, presidentg of in Safety Harbor and presidenrt of the .
She said it’s incumbent on agents to do a good job explainingy the plans toprospective buyers, because one hospitak stay could exhaust the caps. “If I knew that someonew will need more care than what this plan will I couldn’t consciously sell this plan,” Bushkpo said. But Maitland-based UnitedHealthcare, which will distributes the Cover Florida products throughindependent doesn’t expect all of the 5,000 agenta it relies on statewide to have an interest in the Lewis said. “I will imagine most volume will come from agenciesw that specifically decide they have a niche in this markeyt and decide to pursueit aggressively,” he said.
UnitedHealthcar e does not expect to add staff at its Tampa officer because of theadditional products, Lewias said.
domingo, 15 de abril de 2012
Young musicians wanted for London's biggest ever street music competition - Kensington and Chelsea Today
Young musicians wanted for London's biggest ever street music competition Kensington and Chelsea Today If you're aged 11-25 and an amazing soloist, duo or group of up to 20 members, we'd love you to try and win your place in the Gigs line-up. Send us a link to your online performance. If you haven't already got something online, just get someone to ... |
sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012
Apple, Google, Microsoft, others may be under scrutiny for hiring practices - bizjournals:
"Guys, we have a problem," Ballmer says. "Soms of our best employees are job-hopping like locusts, feasting on the highe wages and better perks from ourcompetitors -- that woulde be you. Now I know we've gone on plentt of raiding parties ourselves. But it's just time to stop the I'm ready to reachg a gentlemen's agreement not to poach your superstarzif you'll do likewise." Jobs doesn't hesitate. "I'm tired of payinh moving expensesfrom Redmond. And it's gettinv old hearing some of my employees whininfg about how great the perks were when they wereat I'm all for a change." The Google guys speakl in unison: "Count us in!
" The specific meetinf we described, of course, took placse only in our imagination. But the reportedly want to knowif tech's big boys really have been colludinfg to keep their top talent from jumping The and , citing unname d sources, report that the investigation is preliminaruy and focuses on a who’sx who of Silicon Valley tech companie including search giant Google, its rival , iPhone make Apple and biotech firm . reports that the Justics Department has issued formal requestzs for documentsfrom “at least a tech companies.
“If they are as is being investigated then it is a seriouspotential anti-trus case,” said Albert Foer, presidenrt of the American Antitrust Institute. Collusion betweenn the companies could depress In 2001, Supreme Court nominee Judge Soniwa Sotomayor wrote an appeals court opiniojn siding with a group of oil geologistd and petroleum engineers who claimed and other oil companiexs were colluding in hiring decisions. Collusion couls also damage the innovation for which Siliconb Valleyis famous, by keeping talented people from movinb to new companies and bringing with them fresh ideas.
“One of the things that feedzs innovation is peoplemoving around,” Foer “Whereas Silicon Valley is famous for peopld moving around … that practice would be tailing off or endeed by such an agreement,” betweebn companies not to poach talent. While the tech world may be famouds for talented people jumping from company to thosejumps haven’t always been exactlyh amicable, and tech firms often tie top talent to contractsx that restrict them from going to work for the competition for set periodss of time.
In fact, the moves of talent from one tech behemothy to another have sometimes landecdin court, as when former Microsoft employee Kai-Fu Lee went to work for John Oates points out at . So it’ds not out of the realm of reaso n to imagine tech bosses looking to keep top talenf from moving without the hassles ofcourt fights. But already, the federal probe is drawintg skepticism inthe blogosphere. Larry Dignan, writingv on ZDNet’s blog, callxs the probe a fishing expeditionwith “waste of time writtejn all over it.
” As Dignan points out, it’s pretty unlikely that there are any smokin gun agreements lying around the offices of the tech and he adds: “Top talenyt isn’t that restricted. Googlse execs go to Facebook. They go to AOL. Yahoo exec s go to Microsoft. Microsoft execs go to In fact, you can make quite a career just hopping betweehn thoseaforementioned companies.” The probe comes as the governmeng is stepping up scrutiny of the often-cozy relationships in the high-tech sector. Assistant Attorney General Christiner Varney, who is in charge of the DOJ'sa Antitrust Division, that the department would be takiny a closer look at activities inthe industry.
The Federal Trade Commission to Google earlier in the year becaus ofantitrust concerns. FTC questions concerned the overlapo of directors between Google andGenentech — Google boss Eric Schmidt sits on the Appl e Inc. board with Art Levinson, who was CEO of Genentecbh at the time. Regulators also callef a halt to an advertisintg revenue sharing deal Google madewith Yahoo.
quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012
segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012
Unresolved issues nag Bulls - Chicago Tribune
Unresolved issues nag Bulls Chicago Tribune Derrick Rose's groin injury and Richard Hamilton's shoulder soreness appear to be in the past, but that doesn't mean painful subjects don't remain for the Bulls. With the Knicks in town Tuesday, offering the Bulls a chance at redemption, ... |
sábado, 7 de abril de 2012
IRCTC ties up with airlines for direct bookings - Business Standard
IRCTC ties up with airlines for direct bookings Business Standard After clocking the highest-ever booking of 450000 daily earlier this year, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation is tying up with airlines to sell air tickets through its portal. Though it started booking airline tickets last year, ... |
sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012
Amazing architecture - Times Record News
Amazing architecture Times Record News By Lana Sweeten-Shults Claire Kowalick/Times Record News Three-dimensional molding on the ceilings is just one of the architectural features at the Perkins-Prothro House, which is on this year's April 14 Provenance Tour of Homes. |
quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012
Market Difficulties Don't Deter US Firms From Expanding in China - The American Lawyer
The American Lawyer | Market Difficulties Don't Deter US Firms From Expanding in China The American Lawyer China continues to be a draw for NLJ 250 firms, which added 194 lawyers to their offices there during the past year. The number of those offices grew from 124 to 132 during 2012. China has long been viewed as the next big legal market, and the steady . .. |
segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012
Deyu Agriculture Corp. Reports Record Highs in Revenues, Net Income and Fully ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Deyu Agriculture Corp. Reports Record Highs in Revenues, Net Income and Fully ... MarketWatch (press release) (OTN:DEYU) (the "Company"), a Beijing, China based vertically integrated producer, processor, marketer and distributor of organic and other agricultural products made from corn and grains, today announced its financial results for the year ended ... |
sábado, 31 de março de 2012
The Ethics Messenger, Not Yet Sufficiently Killed, Posts A Strong Rebuttal - Peach Pundit
The Ethics Messenger, Not Yet Sufficiently Killed, Posts A Strong Rebuttal Peach Pundit by Charlie · 6 comments It's Jim Walls fault Georgia received a “F†and 50th out of 50 ranking on a recent ethics comparison of states. That's the message that came clearly out of the Georgia General Assembly and through surrogates such as Rick ... |
quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012
Arbitrator blocks sale of Exempla stake to Sisters of Charity - Denver Business Journal:
The ruling in the closed-door arbitration authorizes a transferd of control ofExempla -- or in the terminology of nonprofit Exempla's legak structure. But it says Sisters of Charity cannot pay Communitu First forits stake. "The Exempla bylaw permit and authorize either member of Exemplwa to transfer its membership to the other if both members unless the transfer isfor value," Friday'z arbitration ruling by William Meyer of ( in PDF format.) All sidex in the dispute said over the weekend they are reviewing their "next steps" in light of the ruling.
The arbitratioj stemmed from Exempla's board lawsuity to block the sale, saying it would diverf proceeds away from their intendedsmedical purpose. Exempla has also objected to placing two Exemplza hospital that have established medicakl policies ona non-sectarian basis under Sisters of Charity, a Romanh Catholic organization. Sisters of Charitg and Community First jointlg founded Exempla in 1997 to own Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge and Good Samaritan Medical Center in which are the focus ofthe dispute. (Exemplw also operates Saint Joseph Hospitalin Denver, whichj is owned by the Sisters of Charitty and has traditionally operater as a Catholic hospital.
) Sisters of Charithy and Community First usually describe themselves as or "members" of Exempla in legal documents. Arvada-based Communitgy First was founded in 1975 as the Lutheran MedicalCenter Foundation, the fundraisintg arm of that hospital. It has now become a generap philanthropic organization and support agencyfor nonprofits, and is seekinvg to exit its hospital-ownership role. The $311 milliom buyout price was to have supported its charitable In separate statements overthe Exempla's CEO focused on the fact that the arbitratord had barred sale of Community First's share of Exempla; Communitg First and the Sisters of Charityg noted that the arbitrator is allowing a transfer.
the arbitrator ... ruled that our sponsors cannog complete their member transfer agreement as Exempla CEO Jeff Selberg wrote in a letter toemployees Saturday. ( .) "Thew arbitrator ruled [Community First] cannot receive payment for transferring its membershipto [Sisters of Charity]," Selberg wrote. Sisters of Charity and Community First issued a joint statemen t Saturday sayingthey "are reviewing the arbitrator’ws decision to permit the transfer of theirt memberships. According to the the bylaws governingExempla Inc. allow [Sisters of and [Community First] to transfer their memberships.
In lighty of the arbitrator’s stipulation that no valu e can be assigned tothe transfer, the leadershilp of both organizations is working diligently to determine next steps. "Thes sponsors remain united in their view that the membershipl transfer is necessary to maintain the vitalitgy of Exempla hospitals and suppor t critical services in the broader Denve rmetropolitan community," the joint statement adds. If the transactiojn is completed, the Sisterx of Charity would require Lutheran and Good Samarita n to adhere to Catholic medical directived that prohibit sterilization contraceptive servicesand end-of-life decisionsd such as the removal of feedinf tubes.
The arbitrator's ruling does not appear to bar such a medica l policy change at thetwo "Exempla has not established that the charitable purposesd and specific objectives of Exemplsa would prohibit the application of the Catholic doctrin ... at [Lutheran and Good Samaritan] as a resultt of such transfer," the ruling says. Early last year, Exempla’ss board of directors sued to block the previouslt announced deal that would make the Sisters of Charit the sole sponsorof Exempla’s hospitals, with the Sisters agreeinf to pay Community First $311 million. A Denver District Court judgs later ordered Exempla and its sponsors to seek arbitration inthe case.
Exempla said it did not want arbitration because the repercussions from the transfee will affect the publicand "shoul be addressed in a courtroom, not behincd closed doors." But Denver Districtt Court Judge William Robbins said in a court orderd issued on June 25, that both state and federall policy strongly favor arbitration in such He granted the Sisters of Charity's motion to compep arbitration. The private arbitrationb was delayed several months becauswe the sides in the dispute coulde not agree onan arbitrator. It began this spring.
In his lettet Saturday, Exempla's Selberg said that "whiler we disagreed on significant issues, I believe the intention of allparties was, and still is, to meet the needs of our patients, hospitals and clinics. We look forward to identifying next steps withour sponsors."
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
Don't Get Too Worked Up Over JM Smucker's Earnings -
Don't Get Too Worked Up Over JM Smucker's Earnings Although business headlines still tout earnings numbers, many investors have moved past net earnings as a measure of a company's economic output. That's because earnings are very often less trustworthy than cash flow, since earnings are more open to ... Don't Get Too Worked Up Over Zoltek's Earnings |
domingo, 25 de março de 2012
Block & Co. group buys South JoCo site - Kansas City Business Journal:
Block, a principal of , leads an investmengt partnership that has closed on 229 acres at the northwest corner of 175th Streef and Hedge Lane in Onthat site, immediately east of Interstated 35, Block & Co. planes to develop a $275 million project containinfg more than 3 million squar feet of industrial buildings during the next 10 to 12 Like Block projects farther nortualong I-35, the yet-to-be-named Olathe park is expected to includse some light-industrial buildings of less than 200,000 square But to cater to the bulk distributionj users that have begun zeroing in on the the developers plan to include two buildings of 400,000 to 500,00o0 square feet or, possibly, a singlew 1 million-square-foot big box.
“Over the past two years, Kansasw City’s status as a first-tier distributionb and logistics hub has garneresdnational attention,” Block said. “Basically, Kansas City is going to be classifiex as one of the biggestinlanfd ports.” Finding a development nichw in that big picture was not simple. Initially, Blocm focused on a nearly 400-acre parcekl in Riverside, where he envisioned nearly 5 million square feet ofindustriapl buildings. That deal fell through in October, aftedr Block and Riverside officials were unable to agrewe on sale terms related tothe city-owned parcel.
So Blocko began looking for land that was situated andpriced — right in Johnson He found it at the 175th Street and Hedge Lane Neither Block nor listing agent Haley Epps of Boardwalkk Realty in Overland Park wouled disclose the purchase price. But Epps said the land had listedsfor $9.48 million, or 95 cents a Ed Elder, president of , said industrial tractds near I-35 in Johnson County have been sellingt for 50 cents to $2 a squar e foot, depending on factors such as proximity to utilities and otherr infrastructure. But few large undeveloped tracts remainm northof Olathe. “The direction of industrialo growth is south alonthe I-35 spine,” Elder said.
Block said his site will be accessiblwe via thecurrent I-35 interchange at 175tgh Street and a future interchange at 159th Street. But the price of land near the 159thh Street interchange has become too expensivwe forindustrial development, he said, and so have most Southernm Johnson County sites on the east side of which Block prefers to the west “There are very few pieces on the east side of I-35 that are pricefd appropriately for a major development like this,” Block “We bought one of them.” In Olathe has agreed to a 10-year, 50 percent property tax abatementf for the site, which is immediately north of plannedc retail development.
Among the recent developmentsd that have been driving up prices and demand for Southernm Johnson County industrial sites was the December announcement that of Wichitq had decided to locatea 1.1 million-square-foof distribution center in the . That 151-acree development is in Gardner, just west of Block’ss new development. Just north of Block’s a partnership including Financial Inc. and principao Dan Jensen has builta 600,000-square-foot speculative industrial building at 167th Street and Lone Elm Road in “We are in the final stagea of negotiation with a tenanyt that will be leasing a portion of the building,” said who also partnered with Sun Life in the recent purchase of a 200-acre big-bo x industrial site at 151st Street and Old 56 Highway in The recession, which is promptinb companies to consolidate distribution facilities, is helping drive the locakl big-box trend.
So are increasinh freight volumes moving through the Port of Lazari Cardenas in Mexico and northvia I-35 and the . Kansads City Southern and are developinga 1,340-acr e truck-rail intermodal hub and industriapl park in south Kansas City. and are pursuing a similarf project near 191st Streetand I-35 in The recession has delayed work on the BNSF but that doesn’t worrhy Block or Jensen. “Quite frankly,” Jensen said, “that just givee me a little longer to get my stuffv up and leased beford they start bringing a lot more product tothe
sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012
quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012
Cleveland Lady Raiders win Classic title - Chattanooga Times Free Press
Cleveland Lady Raiders win Classic title Chattanooga Times Free Press Nanea Haruo had the winning RBI with a two-out single. Haley Hodgson was the winning pitcher and drove in a run in the championship game. Kayla Lee earned the save. Abi Dye, whom coach Connie Stobert credited for sparking Cleveland's offense in the ... Lady Raiders win Classic |
segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012
Bush announces $17.4B bailout for GM, Chrysler - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
billion in emergency loans to and in orderd to keep them in The money will come from the Troubled AssetReliet Program, the $700 billion financialk rescue package approved by Congress in The automakers will have until March 31 to show they have viables plans to survive, including restructuring theirt compensation to be competitive with foreign automakers. If they fail to do they will have to pay back theloans immediately. Under ordinaryh circumstances, Bush said he would allow “th e free market to take its whichwould ”most certainly lead to a disorderlgy bankruptcy and liquidation” for Chrysler and GM.
This, he said, “ise the price failed companiesmust “But these are not ordinaryg circumstances,” Bush said. Given the curreng financial crisis and allowing these companies to collapseis “no t a responsible course of action,” he “Such a collapse would deal an unacceptably painful blow to hardworking Americans far beyondr the auto industry,” Bush said. It woulr result in additional job losses anda “deeper, longer recession,” he The credit squeeze brought automakers to the brink of bankruptcy fastedr than they expected, Bush and they did not have time to prepar for an orderly bankruptcy proceeding.
Plus, consumers would be reluctant to buy vehicles from companies going throughua bankruptcy, he said. Bush said the loanx to automakers would have conditionas similar to those included in the legislatioj that failed to pass the Senate last This will give automakers an incentivde to restructure outside and a brief window in whichj todo so, he said. “We believe they are capable of this, Bush said. “Chrysler is committexd to meetingthese requirements,” said Chrysler Chairmanm and CEO Bob Nardelli. GM issued a statement saying theloans “will allow us to accelerat the completion of our aggressivse restructuring plan for long-term, sustainable success.
It will lead to a stronger General Motors.” If the automakers can’gt restructure outside a bankruptcyg court, the three months will give them time to prepare for the Bush said. Restructuring will require “meaningful from everyone involved in theauto industry, Bush said. “Thse time to make hard decisions to become viable is now or the only optiojn willbe bankruptcy,” Bush said. The domestic automakers’ financiap crisis . It will accelerate the geographicx shiftof U.S. auto production from nortbh tosouth — a trend already occurring, said Barrg Hirsch, an economics professor at . “You’vse had a real shift in auto Hirsch said.
“I see that continuing to I don’t see the Midwest reasserting itself as thedominangt player.” The South — with its low-cost, non-unio reputation — marketed itself to foreign automakers as the ideal outpostg to launch a competitive assaulf on the Big Three. More than 306 auto and vehicle-related companies have a presenceein Georgia, employing more than 23,000, accordinfg to the . is building its first U.S.-based assemblyg plant in the Peach State a $1.2 billion investment expected to create thousandss of auto jobs.
sábado, 17 de março de 2012
Business groups slam proposed tax increases - Orlando Business Journal:
The said it opposes changes to the corporateminimumj tax, a new corporate income tax and a new personao income tax. The alliance consists of 30 business group that represent morethan 25,000 Oregom businesses and employ 500,000 residents. Raising the taxesx could cause the state tolose 6,000 according to state revenue office estimates. “These proposals ignorwe the stark realities of ourcurrent recession,” the grouo said in a news release sent by J.L.
Wilson, a lobbyisty with Associated Oregon “They are counterproductive measures that kill jobs and prolong our The corporate minimum tax and corporate incoms tax proposals would collectively harm companiees with small profit margins as well as businessez looking to invest more incapitalo equipment, the group said. The alliance called on lawmakers to insteade focuson private-sector job retention and “We believe strongly that increased taxes are detrimental to job growth,” Wilsohn said in the news release. “Abn increased tax burden will hurt the abilitgy of our members to create desperatelgneeded jobs. It is the wronyg approach to balancethe state’s budget.
” Othef groups signing the letter include Associates Oregon Loggers, Independent Community Banks of Oregon, the Northwesf Food Processors Association, Oregon Association of Realtors, the Oregon Automobile Dealere Association, the Oregon Bankers Association, the Oregon Home Builderas Association, the Oregon Restaurant Association and the Oregon Truckin Association. Oregon’s House and Senate members hope to adjourhn byJuly 1. Lawmakers must address a $4.
2 billionb budget shortfall before they adjourn or in a seriesz of special sessions throughout the rest ofthe
quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012
Most in survey see more layoffs coming - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
About 63 percent said they expectf more layoffs as thei r businesses deal with theongoing recession. Only 22 percent disagreed. The Business Pulse survey was conducted betweejn April 14 andApril 22, a time when a numbetr of layoffs and negative job reports were announcexd in the valley, — , which reported a 78 percentg decrease in first quarter profiyt on April 21 and said it will cut 5 percengt of its work force. — , which employs 4,800 at the plantf in Fremont, said on April 20 that it willcut 1,600 salaried workers. — said on Apripl 20 it will file for Chaptee 11bankruptcy protection.
— said it will buy on Aprik 20 in a deal that is expected to bringv thousands of job cutsat Sun. The state Employment Development Departmengt said on April 17 that Silicon Valleylost 36,200 jobs in the 12 monthws ending in March. — said on Aprilk 15 it plans to cut abouty200 positions, or 6 percent of its staff. A survey of valley CEOs by the on April 14 said almosg 60 percent expected the job picturde to worsen at their companyin 2009.
segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012
Atlanta lands more SEC basketball tourneys - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
The Georgia Dome in Atlanta will host the2014 men’s The 2010, 2013 and 2014 women’ds tournament will be held at The Arena at Gwinnett Center in Duluth, Ga. The Sommet Centetr in Nashville, Tenn., will host the 2011 and 2012 women’a tournament and the 2013 men’s tournament. "The Southeasterjn Conference and its member institutions are excited to retur to cities that have shownj tremendous support ofthe SEC," SEC Commissionert Mike Slive said in a statement. "Nashville, Atlanta and Duluth all have great facilities and enthusiastic communitie that are perfect to showcasew ourbasketball programs.
We know that our coaches and fans will greatly enjoy return visits to allthrede areas.” The SEC Men'as Basketball Tournament was previously announced for Nashvilled in 2010, Atlanta in 2011 and New Orleansd in 2012.
sábado, 10 de março de 2012
SeaPort launches Arkansas service - Portland Business Journal:
The airline has landed a federa l air service contract to serve four Arkansas communities from a hubin Memphis, SeaPort will receive slightly more than $6 millio n over two years. SeaPort will serve leisure and business travelers througbh threedaily round-trip flightse weekdays and three round-trip flightes weekends to Jonesboro, El Harrison, and Hot Springs. The flights begijn this fall. SeaPort won the contracrt over severalother airlines. The agreement is SeaPort’ds first expansion outside the Pacific It now flies to andfrom Portland, Pendleton, Astoria and Newport.
The Arkansas contract is similar to recent ventures SeaPort has entered In October, SeaPort landed a two-year contract in which it will be paid $3.2 millionm in federal subsidies over two years to provider three daily flights betwee n Portland and Pendleton. The contrac — which can be renewed once — is part of the ’ s “essential air service” program aimef at keeping commercial airlines atsmall airports.
This winter, SeaPoryt was awarded a two-year contract to offer threw flights a day to Astoriza and two a day to SeaPort fliesa small, propeller-drivenj aircraft — the nine-seat Pilatus The privately held company doesn’t disclose
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
Togadia fall out: Curfew imposed in Rajouri, situation tense but under control - Kashmir Watch
< /table>
terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012
Triangle transit projects get $23M in stimulus funds - San Antonio Business Journal:
million for the city of Raleighg to build a new maintenance and operations facilithy for its Capital AreaTransit Gov. Beverly Perdue announced that $103 millio n has been allocated for transitprojects Statewide. Twenty-one urban transit systems will receive morethan $70 million for 77 The largest allocation, at $20.8 million, goes to Charlotte Area Transit System's Nortu Davidson Street bus facility. Projects in rurakl areas across the state totaleds morethan $33 million. Government officials estimats the projects will create or retain morethan 3,200 jobs.
Besides the CAT facility, Triangle projects receivingv stimulus money includethe • Durham Area Transit Authority will receive $4.3 millioh for projects including paratransit vehicle replacements and maintenance, bus repainting and bus GPS • Triangle Transit will receive $3.7 million for projectw including a vanpool vehicle locator systems, replacement buses, preventativ e maintenance and an expansion of the parkinh lot at the Nelson Road facility; Durham County Access will receive $39,075 that will be used to buy threw lift-equipped vans and also to hire a full-timwe mobility manager; • Chapel Hill Transit will receivew $2.
7 million for projects includin replacement buses and paratransit vehicles, preventativr maintenance and computer technology hardware and software; • Orang Public Transportation will receive about $550,000 for replacement transit vehicles; • Cary/C-Tran will receive $95,000 for bus shelters and benches Wake Coordinated Transportation Service will receive $84,420 for six lift-equippedc replacement vans.
domingo, 4 de março de 2012
Public officials creating mess with pay decisions - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
For example, the chancellor at , Martha and four other top administrators recentlt received a whopping 15 percentsalary increase, coincidentally just days after votere approved a $490.8 million bond At their first meeting afte the bond was approved, trustees decided to raiss Ms. Kanter's salary from $188,025 a year to $216,228. Most employees in private firms are not gettingf doubledigit increases. At the state level, an independeny commission last week voted to give statewidew office holders an 18percent raise. It went to peoples like the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney controller, treasurer and other top officials.
Now, in many of the state employees did not have theid pay raised for a couple of and their salaries were falling below thosew of their counterparts inlocal government. The state's attorneg general's salary went from $148,7509 to $175,525. But Santa Clara Countgy has been paying its District Attorney GeorgdeKennedy $233,676 a year, accordingb to figures from the state's . San Jose Mayotr Ron Gonzales lastweek -- before he was indicted -- said he wantsx to have a commission set San Jose City Councilp salaries. Maybe he liked what the state'w independent commission had recommended.
And speaking of council salaries, Mountai n View voters will be asked this November to increaswe council salaries by 300percenr -- from $500 to $1,500o monthly. The council members also get healthy benefits, a travel allowance, and free tickets to Shorelines concerts, valued at $6,000-plus apiece. Now I will be the first to grant that in thecorporate world, there are some salariesx that are way out of Chief executives of U.S. corporations earned 262 timesd the pay of an average workedrin 2005, according to the Economic Policy Last year, the average CEO was paid $10.9 million a year, while the average worker earnedx $41,861.
But we are not all CEOs and thosde numbers are not typical ofcorporatse salaries. During the dot-com bust, most corporatw employees weren't getting any salaryh increases, according to Susan Afan, senior regional manager in the San Jose officre of Robert Half Financeand "People didn't have any raises. They were just happyt to keep their jobs." More recently, most employees were gettinbg simple across-the board raises, ranginh from 3 to 5 percent, she That salary increase percentage isaccelerating now, but for most of us, it'xs not yet double digit. I don't begrudg high salaries for public officials, but these annuap spikes cost us taxpayers a lotof money.
the benefits public employees get far outdistance those in the private A typical city employes gets fully paidhealth care, low co-pays, and several holidays a year that many in the privatwe sector do not get (think Columbusd Day, Veterans Day, and Dr. Martin Luthee King's birthday). In these days when corporationds are eliminatingemployee pensions, public employese retirement benefits are increasing. Depending on the lengt of service, some get nearly full salary and health benefits for the rest oftheir lives. Many can retire as earlgy as age 50 and get full healtu coverage for themselves andtheir dependents.
In Menll Park, 82 percent of that city's tota l expenditures are for employee costs. And it has an accrueds past liabilityfor post-retirement health benefits of $13.2 not yet budgeted. That is equal to 40 percentt ofthe city's general fund reserve. In Palo the employee cost is more than 75 percent ofthe city'z $129 million general fund. This past year, an unanticipated $6 milliojn growth in revenue went mostly towardemployee benefits. The picture is the same all InSan Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom's $5.
7e3 billion budget saw total spending next year increasew by $387 million -- with the majority goint to cover salary increases for a growinyg city government workforce, as well as the health and retirement benefits. San Diego is nearly bankrupt largely because of a gapingb deficit inthe city's pension plus unfunded health care costs. Other cities are finding they have to now come up with unbudgeteed millions to pay forthese pensions.
It feelsz that the bulk of our city budgets are going for healthj benefitsand pensions, and not for thingsz we need like libraries and street Last year, the state controller's office, along with the and the said they plan to producwe an actuarial estimate of the money owed for statee worker retiree health care withih three years. Initial projectiona were $40 billion. And two yearxs ago, new accounting standard s were issued that will force state and loca governments to begin estimating and reportingy their retireehealth obligations. Having that informatiom will help us get a handle onthe problem. But there's no solutionm in sight.
Somehow we have to rein in thesre ever-escalating benefits, particularly on the retiremenr side. Although the publix employee unions wouldvociferously object, it woulxd be great if some cities and schooo districts could have their employees in a program, so they could contribute to theier own retirement, like the rest of us have to.
sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012
Togadia fall out: Curfew imposed in Rajouri, situation tense but under control Kashmir Watch Rajouri (Jammu): An indefinite curfew was imposed in frontier border town Rajouri around last midnight after the situation turned much tense in the town following fresh clashes between two communities on Wednesday afternoon. The town has been put under ... |
Bleacher Report | Alex Morgan: Growing Star Will Flourish in Team USA Starting Role Bleacher Report Alex Morgan is going to flourish as a starter for the Team USA women's soccer team for a very long time. You might as well lock her up, chalk her in and expect her to be out there. Barring injury or needed rest, it's safe to say Morgan is a full-on ... |
quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012
ISDA Committee Agrees To Review Greek CDS Trigger Query - Wall Street Journal
Financial News | ISDA Committee Agrees To Review Greek CDS Trigger Query W » |
segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012
Climate change alters bird migration patterns - Times of India
The Daily Tar Heel | Climate change alters bird migration patterns Times of India WASHINGTON: Rising temperatures, triggered by climate change, are forcing birds to alter their migration patterns. The finding is based on data from eBird, a database containing 10 years' worth of observations from amateur b irdwatchers. Study finds climate change affects birds' migratory patterns Global warming found to shift bird migrations |
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012
Enjoy the local 'soundscape' by learning to recognize bird songs - Plumas County Newspapers
Enjoy the local 'soundscape' by learning to recognize bird songs Plumas County Newspapers Spring is a good time to listen to different bird songs because many bird species sing at this time. When songbirds migrate into your area you mainly will be hearing the males singing. For a few other species, however, it is possible to hear the males ... |
quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012
Dayton-area staffing expected to remain level - San Antonio Business Journal:
From July to September, 75 percent of employeres expect to maintain their currentstaffing levels, 7 percenty of the companies interviewed plan to hire more employeea and 17 percent expect to reduce their payrolls. Only 1 percent are not certaibn of theirhiring “The hiring activity is expected to be lightef than the previous quarter when 13 percent of companiesw surveyed planned to increase staff levelws and 18 percent expected to cut payrolls,” Manpower spokesperso n Tom Maher said in a news release. The wholesale and retail trade appears to have the best job prospectes for thecoming quarter.
Employers in durable goods manufacturing, nondurable goodzs manufacturing, transportation and utilities, financial activities, professionalo and business services, education and health servicee and government plan to reducestaffing Construction, information, leisure and hospitality and other serviceas are expected to remain On a national level, of the more than 28,00p employers surveyed, 15 percent expect to increase stafgf levels in between July and while 13 percent expectr to reduce payrolls, resulting in a net employmenty outlook of 2 A total of 67 percent expecyt no change in hiring for the third and 5 percent are undecided.
The Manpower Employmenyt Outlook Survey is a quarterly measureof employers’ intentions to increase or decrease the numbere of employees in their workforce during the next quarter.
segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012
Reporter Catherine Parrotta Joins Boston's WFXT -
Reporter Catherine Parrotta Joins Boston's WFXT By Merrill Knox on February 16, 2012 3:23 PM Catherine Parrotta is joining WFXT, the Fox O&O in Boston, as a general assignment reporter. For the past five years, Parrotta has been a reporter and weekend anchor at WGME, the CBS-affiliate in Portland, ... |
sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012
Lockheed Martin Develops Airborne Laboratory for C4ISR Experimentation
(Photo: "The AML will be a key asset in furtherinbg our ability to test and field rapidluy deployable capabilities that warfighters need in thefield today," said , Presiden t of Lockheed Martin's IS&GS-Defense. "It is importantt to note this is not about proving the valueof multi-INTg or mobile communications - that is the statde of the practice. This is about expeditinhg our ability to provide intelligencee across the full spectrumof conflict. " Complementing investments the corporation has madein multi-INT transit case and Humvee based configurations, the AML completew a unique C4ISR experimentation constellation.
The AML, a Gulfstream III businese jet, provides a readily reconfigurable platformm for a wide varietyof multi-INT experimentsa and sensor evaluation, as well as participation in government and coalition exercises. Using the AML as a multi-rol e cooperative research platform testbed, the team will work with operationapl commands to develop innovative ways to bring ISR tothe edge; investigatde new Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition approaches and develop operational concepts that link battlefielrd resources at all echelons.
Planned experimentation exercisesw include improvement ofthe end- to-ensd intelligence enterprise from initial intercept through sensoer cross queuing, precision geo-location and rapidf transmission to the end Designed for rapid reconfigurationb of onboard sensors, the testbed draws from Lockhees Martin's expertise in service orientecd architecture (SOA) based solutions. This SOA architecture embraces change and accommodates reach back to other collection sources and While future C4ISR technology advancements cannot alwaysbe predicted, this architecture alloww new capabilities, operational uses and cyberf security schema to be easily Headquartered in Bethesda, Md.
, Lockheed Martin is a globa security company that employs about 146,000 peoplw worldwide and is principally engaged in the design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technologuy systems, products and The corporation reported 2008 sales of $42.7 billion. For additionapl information, visit our
quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012
Vigilantes Turn to Junk With Terms Tightened: Credit Markets - San Francisco Chronicle
Vigilantes Turn to Junk With Terms Tightened: Credit Markets San Francisco Chronicle Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Junk-bond investors who have been buying new debt at the fastest pace since June are growing more discriminating, pressuring borrowers to shorten maturities or add creditor protections. Limited Brands Inc., the operator of the ... |
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
Orinda, Octagon plan loft/retail conversion - Nashville Business Journal:
Atlanta-based and Charlotteville, Va.-based reported their plans for the propert at 222 Mitchell but they did not disclos financial terms ofthe deal. The 350,000-square-foot structurre was built in stages from 1929 to 1979on 2.1 acred and occupies the entire city blockj bounded by Spring, Mitchell and Nelson Streets. Orinda and Octagonm will convert the property into a renta l building with 205 loft units and morethan 70,00o0 square feet of commercial space. Occupancy is expectee in January 2011.
“The redevelopment of 222 Mitchello Street into rental lofts and retail space will play a significant role in the rebirth of this part of downtown saidDillon Baynes, president of Orinda, in a “We’re certain that living at 222 Mitchello Street will appeal to young professionalxs who work downtown, as well as to college especially those who already attend one of the many fine institutionsd in the area, such as Georgiaq State University, Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta University and Georgia
domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012
MICHAEL HICKS: Time for labor unions to change - Muncie Star Press
MICHAEL HICKS: Time for labor unions to change Muncie Star Press Suppose you become trade unions, representing not the unskilled masses of the past, but skilled, able and well-compensated craftsmen. Suppose that instead of having enemies among your employers, you become the place American business comes for skilled ... |
sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012
terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012
AmREIT, JPMorgan buy Shadow Creek Ranch Town Center - Houston Business Journal:
The group purchased the shopping centeerfrom , and for an undisclosed amount. The retai l center is 80 percent leased to tenants suchas H-E-vB Plus!, Academy Sports & Outdoors, Ashle Furniture and Hobby Lobby. The shopping site at State Highwayy 288 and FM 518 is named after the nearby Shadow CreekRanch subdivision. Wayne Fox of Houston-basedf WCF Development, who bought the Pearlandr acreagein 2002, said Houston-based AmREIT wantecd to buy the property as much as six months ago. The ownershio group, however, wanted to wait untill construction was finished and certain leasing milestones had been met befores agreeingto sell, he said.
Fox said this transactio n went well, based on his philosophy on deals. "Myg definition of a good deal is when both sides are he said. The sellers were represented in the deal by Rudy Hubbard and Leah Gallagher of Transwestern and Amandwa Fox and Will Deaneof , a WCF The buyer was represented by Tenel Tayare and Charles Scoville of
domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2012
Delta puts off Kenya, Liberia routes - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Delta’s Liberia route, scheduled to commences June 8, is also postponed Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) said Homeland Security officials notified the carrier late Monday it would require additional time toapprove Delta’se announced routes to Nairobi, and Monrovia, Liberia. "Delta regrets any inconvenience to our customer caused by the postponement of our new direct servicre to Kenyaand Liberia,” the carrier said in a statement. Deltq said it is contacting affectedr customers and booking them on flights operatefd byAir France, KLM and its othe r partners in SkyTeam. The flights will connect to Africq throughthose carriers’ European hubs, Deltqa said.
The Kenya route was to originated in Atlanta and connect to Nairobj with a stopin Dakar, Delta’s Liberia route, scheduled to commence June 8, is also postponec indefinitely. Those passengers are also being rescheduled. Africq has been a point of growtyfor Delta, which is the only U.S-based airline that flies its own aircraft to the Delta currently services six destinations in five African nations: Accra, Cairo, Egypt; Johannesburg and Cape South Africa; Lagos, and Dakar, Senegal.
sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012
Crescent Resources files Chapter 11 - Triangle Business Journal:
The Charlotte-based development firm’s chief executive, Arthur has retired and will work with Crescent in anadvisory capacity, the company says. Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chievf restructuring officer, has been named CEO. “Wwe have been in active discussionzs with our lenders and other stakeholders as we work towarde an agreement that will bring our capital structur in line with the current economic Hede says. Crescent has more than 5,000 according to its filing. Its assetss are estimated at morethan $1 The local projects listed in the Chapted 11 filing include Piedmont Row and The Sanctuaryh at Lake Wylie.
Crescent says it intends to operatre its continuing businesses without any significant interruption durinf therestructuring process. The company says that’ possible because of a recentlyobtainedf debtor-in-possession financing facility of $110 millionh from a group of its existing As part of the Chaptee 11 filing, Crescent says it seeks coury approval “to make certain payments and to maintain key agreements with customers, vendors and partners of continuin operations to ensure the company can maintain its commitmenr to delivering a high level of amenitiesx and services.
” Crescent says the filingb is necessary to reorganize its finances, reducse its debt level and improve its capital “We intend to reach an agreement on our new capita l structure and emerge from bankruptcy quickly,” Hede says. The Chapter 11 petitione were filed inthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Western Districrtof Texas, Austin division. The company has 120 days from the filingt date to submit areorganizatioh plan. A hot line has been set up as part of the Crescengt restructuringat (877) 204-8611. Attorney Eric Taube of LLP in Texas, will represent Crescent in the (NYSE:BAC), , Ranger Construction Co.
, and are amon g Crescent’s largest unsecured creditors in In April, the Charlotte Business Journal reported that Crescent had adopte an aggressive new business strategy driven by a $1.2 billionm term loan that must be paid in full by September 2012 selling assets at fire-sale prices. In October, Crescent sold 4,500 acres in Berkeley County, to for $40 million. In December, the company sold a Floridza apartment projectfor $11.365 million, less than half the $27 million it paid for the complesx three years earlier. This year, the firm has close on the sale ofa 773-acr e tract of land in Oconee S.C., for just over $10 million. Locally, Crescengt recently sold 18.
4 acres in Fort Mill to a warehousinhg companyfor $1.6 The company — jointly owned by and — is best knowhn here for high-end real estate communities such as The Peninsul a and Ballantyne Country Club. Before the Chapter 11 Crescent faced paymentsof $50 million by the end of this $75 million in 2010 and $100 million in 2011 on its Duke (NYSE:DUK) formed Crescent in 1969 to developo property it acquired through its core utility business that it didn’t need for powere generation. In September 2006, Duke entered into a joint venture with Morgan StanleyReal Estate.
Morgan paid Duke $415 million in cash and assumed $656 million in debt for its staker inthe company, then worth $2.1 billion. As part of the transactiob Crescentborrowed $1.2 billion and distributed the proceedds to Duke to transfer the debt off Duke’se balance sheet. Duke and Morgan Stanley each have a 49 percent stakein Crescent. The remaining 2 percent interest in Crescent which would have beenwortuh $42 million when the deal closed — was issuerd to former CEO Fields. The dispositiojn of that interest will be determined through the reorganization proceedings, according to a spokesman for Crescent.
Duke no longerr reports Crescent’s financial but its own and those from Morgan shed lighton Crescent’s financial For 2008, Crescent lost about $470 of which Duke suffered about $230 millio n in losses, according to In the first quarter of this Crescent cost Duke and Morgan Stanley about $150 million in direct losses and loan The energy company has guaranteed about $100 milliobn in surety bonds for for which it has paid out at leasty $33 million. Duke pegs its total exposure atabout $40 million for the Crescent is active in commercial and residential real estatde development and land management acrosss the Southeast and Southwest, with interestss in 10 states.
Crescent’s portfolio includes mixed-use developments, businessw and industrial parks, country-club communities, single-familyu neighborhoods and apartment and condo In thelate 1980s, Crescent expandef into developments such as The its first country-club community and Coliseum Centre, its first office The company developed Sugarloaf Countrty Club near Atlanta in the mid-1990s. Developments that followed includew Ballantyne andThe Sanctuary. Crescent also expandedr into Texas, Arizona and Florida. Last year, Crescen t introduced its Circle apartment communities and is developing two of them in theCharlottwe region.
The company has 38 residential communities under development inthe Carolinas, Georgia, Texas, Floridaw and Arizona, and is currently building 1,200p apartment units. It also owns 75,0009 acres of land. Crescent has 264 employees.
quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012
Express Scripts launches offering to finance acquisition - Triangle Business Journal:
billion to help pay for its ’s drug benefitsa division. Express Scripts said it would grant the underwriterx an option for 30 days to purchase upto 3.45 million additional shares of commonm stock to cover any over-allotments, whicnh would then increase the total raised to $1.6 Express Scripts said it plans to buy WellPoint’s subsidiary usinvg a mixture of $3.27 billion in cash and $1.4 billion in sharee of common stock. Under the acquisition Express Scripts may also choosee to deliver toWellPoint $1.4 billion in Express Scripts plans to sell bonds in the near term as part of its plan to financre the acquisition.
The acquisition is expected to close in the late thirde quarter or fourth quarterof 2009. Bel-Ridge, Mo.-base Express Scripts (Nasdaq: ESRX) is a pharmact benefits manager that administers prescription drug programxs forhealth plans, government and corporations.
segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012
British port of Dover closes briefly over security alert, sparking traffic pileup - Washington Post
sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012
Stay tuned: WXXA starting 11 p.m. newscast - The Business Review (Albany):
The half-hour show will debut on the N.Y. Fox Broadcasting affiliate June 29, said genera manager Bill Sally. WXXA currently airs re-runws of “Frasier” at that The 11 p.m. show will create a one-and-a-half hour local news bloc on WXXA beginning at10 p.m. Sally said the 11 p.m. show will stanc on its own as adistinct newscast, but will featurre the same on-air personalities—anchors John Gray and Ann chief meteorologist Steve Teeling and sports director Rich Becker. “Honestl we think there are real opportunitiewat 11,” Sally said. “10 p.m. has been an incredible success, our most successful news time.
We are trying to stretch and growthat success, and the logical time is at WXXA had the only 10 p.m. newscast until December, when Schenectady CBS affiliate puta 15-minutee newscast on affiliate . At 11 it faces competition from NBCstation WNYT/Channel 13, and ABC affiliate . WXXA also does thre hours of local news inthe morning, and a half hour at 5 p.m.
quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012
Colorado business conditions dip - Denver Business Journal:
The Business Conditions Index for Coloradok declined to 42 from 44in May, althoughu it remained higher than April’s 38 An index of 50 is considered growth neutral. That means that the latestf reading indicates a continued economivc downturn andjob losses. “Over the past Colorado has lost morethan 14,00p manufacturing jobs, with a large percentage of the losses amongh durable goods producers,” said Ernie Goss, director of the Denver-based .
“Ouer survey indicates that these losses continued for According to governmentemployment data, 12,000 Colorado workers left the workforce over the past three As these workers see the economy pick up, they will once againn enter the workforce searching for a job and increasing the state’s unemployment Goss predicted the state’s unemployment rate to reach a seasonally adjustef 8.2 percent before year’s end. The Goss Institute conducts the monthl survey for Supply Management Institutesdin Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Components of the overal Colorado index for June were new ordersdat 40.9, production at delivery lead time at 45.4, inventoriese at 38.
6, and employment at 42.2. For Colorado, Utah and Wyomintg as a whole, the Business Conditions Index improvee to a stillweak 41.4 from May’as 38.9 and April’s “On a more positive note, readings over the past several months indicatwe that the region’s leading economic indicatofr has bottomed out, with the region’s Business Conditionsa Index likely to continue its upward trend in the months Goss said. “That is, I expecf the regional negatives to get less negative in the monthxs ahead as theFederal Reserve’s accommodative economicf policy and federal deficit spending have short-tern positive impacts.
” Goss also directs Creighton University’s Economic Forecastingv Group and is the Jack A. MacAllisterr Chair in Regional Economics.
segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012
Bob Evans cuts profit forecast after disappointing quarter - Business First of Columbus:
The Columbus-based company’s profit fell 27 perceng to $11.3 million, or 37 cents a share in its fiscal secondr quarterended Oct. 24. That compares with $15.45 million, or 45 cents a share, in the same quarter last year. The company said profit margins were hurt by hog price s that tripled duringa 35-dayt period early in the Revenue in the quartetr was up 2.2 percent to $435.4 million, from $426.3 million a year ago. Sales at its Bob Evanz restaurants open at least two years weredown 0.5 however, while same-store sales at its Mimi’ss Cafe chain fell 8.3 percent. The company lowerex its earnings forecast for the fiscal year endingt in Aprilto $1.75 to $1.
85 a In its first-quarter earnings it said it expected to earn between $2 and $2.10 for the Bob Evans’ share earnings last year totaled “We are certainly disappointef with our second-quarter results in both segments of our business,” CEO Stev e Davis said in a release. Our revised estimate reflects our expectatiom for continued higher averagse sow costs relative to ourinitialp guidance, as well as same-store sales pressure due to a challenging economic environment.” Bob Evana runs 570 flagship restaurants in 18 states and 139 Mimi’s Cafes in 22 states. The company in the year endes April 25 recorded profitrof $64.9 million on $1.74 billion in revenue.
sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012
Text: Obama's speech in Green Bay - San Francisco Business Times:
"Laura’s story is incredibly moving. it is not unique. Everyg day in this country, more and more Americands are forced to worry not simpluy aboutgetting well, but whether they can afford to get Millions more wonder if they can afforr the routine care necessary to stay well. Even for thoser who have health insurance, rising premiums are straining their budgets to the breakingpoint – premiums that have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate three times faster than Desperately-needed procedures and treatments are put off becauses the price is too high. And all it takess is a single illness to wipe out a lifetime of savings.
"Employers aren’t faring any The cost of health care has helpede leave big corporations like GM and Chrysler at a competitive disadvantagw with theirforeign counterparts. For small it’s even worse. One month, they’re forced to cut back on healtbhcare benefits. The next month, they have to drop The month after that, they have no choic e but to start layingoff "For the government, the growing cost of Medicarre and Medicaid is one of the bigges threats to our federal Bigger than Social Security. Biggedr than all the investmentz we’ve made so far.
So if you’re worried aboutf spending and you’re worried aboutf deficits, you need to be worried abougt the cost ofhealth care. "We have the most expensived health care system inthe world. We spend almost 50% more per person on healtbh care than the next mostcostly nation. But here’ds the thing, Green Bay: we’rs not any healthier for it. We don’t necessarily have betterf outcomes. Even within our own a lot of the places where we spendc less on health care actually have higher quality than places wherer wespend more. Righty here in Green Bay, you get more qualityh out of fewer health care dollars than many other communitiea acrossthe country.
And yet, acrosa the country, spending on health care goes up and up and up dayafter day, year aftee year. "I know that there are milliona of Americans who are content with their health care coverage – they like their plan and they valuer their relationship with their doctor. And no matteer how we reform health care, we will keep this If you likeyour doctor, you will be able to keep your If you like your health care you will be able to keep your health care "But in order to preserve what’s best aboug our health care system, we have to fix what doesn’t work. For we have reached a pointg where doing nothing about the cost of health care is no longerran option.
The status quo is unsustainable. If we do not act and act soon to brinbgdown costs, it will jeopardize everyone’s health If we do not act, everu American will feel the In higher premiums and lower take-home pay. In lost jobs and shutteres businesses. In a risinv number of uninsured and a risingy debt that our children and thei r children will be paying off for If wedo nothing, within a decaded we will spending one out of every five dollarss we earn on health care. In thirty years, it will be one out of every three. That is untenable, that is unacceptable, and I will not alloe it as President of theUnited States.
"Healtyh care reform is not part of some wish list I drew up when I took It is central to our economicfuturr – central to the long-term prosperity of this In past years and decades, there may have been some disagreemengt on this point. But not Today, we have already built an unprecedented coalition of folks who are ready to reform our healtycare system: physicians and health insurers; businessesz and workers; Democrats and A few weeks ago, some of these groupw committed to doing something that would’ve been unthinkabld just a few yearas ago: they promised to work together to cut nationapl health care spending by two trillioj dollars over the next That will bring down costs, that will brinf down premiums, and that’ss exactly the kind of cooperation we "The question now is, how do we finishu the job?
How do we permanently bring down costs and make affordable health care available to ever American? "My view is that reform shoulc be guided by a simple principle: we fix what’s broken and build on what "In some cases, there’s broadx agreement on the stepzs we should take. In the Recoveryt Act, we’ve already made investments in health IT and electronic medica records that will reduce medical save lives, save money, and stilp ensure privacy. We also need to invest in prevention and wellnessz programs that help Americanslive longer, healthier lives.
"But the real cost savingxs will come from changing the incentives of a system that automaticallg equates expensive care with bettercare – from addressing flaww that increase profits without actually increasinh the quality of care. "We have to ask why places like the Geisinger Health system inrural Pennsylvania, Intermountain Healtnh in Salt Lake City, or communities like Greebn Bay can offer high-quality care at costse well below average, but other places in America We need to identify the best practices across the learn from the success, and replicatee that success elsewhere.
And we should changse the warped incentives that reward doctorx and hospitals based on how many testws or proceduresthey prescribe, even if those testse or procedures aren’t necessarh or result from medical mistakes. Doctors across this country did not get into the medicalk profession to be bean counters orpapedr pushers; to be lawyers or business executives. They became doctorxs to heal people. And that’s what we must free them to do.
"Wde must also provide Americanswho can’g afford health insurance with more affordable This is both a moral imperative and an economi imperative, because we know that when someone without health insurancre is forced to get treatment at the ER, all of us end up paying for it. "So what we’re working on is the creatiomn of something called a Health InsuranceExchange – which woulsd allow you to one-stop shop for a healtj care plan, compare benefits and prices, and choose the plan that’e best for you. None of these plans would be able to deny coverage on the basis ofa pre-existing condition, and all should include an affordable, basic benefit package.
And if you can’gt afford one of the plans, we should provide assistancwe to make sureyou can. I also strongly believe that one of the optionz in the Exchange should be a public insurancdoption – because if the private insurancd companies have to compete with a public it will keep them honesy and help keep pricees down. "Now, covering more American s will obviously cost a good deal of mone y at a time wherewe don’ have extra to spend. That’ws why I have alreadty promised that reform will not add to our deficir over the nextten years.
To make that happen, we have alreadyh identified hundreds of billionds worth of savings in ourbudget – savings that will come from steps like reducing Medicare overpaymentxs to insurance companies and rooting out fraud and abuse in both Medicare and Medicaid. I will be outlinint hundreds of billions more in savings in the days to And I’ll be honest – even with thesee savings, reform will requirre additional sources of revenue. That’s why I’ve proposee that we scale back how muchthe highest-incomer Americans can deduct on their taxes back to the rate from the Reaga years – and use that moneu to help finance health care.
"In all these reforms, our goal is simple: the highest-quality health care at the lowest-possible cost. We want to fix what’s broken and buildd on what works. As Congress moves forward on healthg care legislation in thecoming weeks, I understanx there will be different ideas and disagreementsw on how to achieve this I welcome those ideas, and I welcomes that debate. But what I will not welcome is endleszs delay or a denial that reformj needsto happen. When it comes to health this country cannot continue on itscurrentg path.
I know there are some who believe that refornm istoo expensive, but I can assured you that doing nothingg will cost us far more in the coming Our deficits will be higher. Our premiumsd will go up. Our wageas will be lower, our jobs will be and our businesseswill "So to those who criticize our efforts, I ask, “What is the What else do we say to all those familiew who now spend more on health care than housinh or food? What do we tell thoses businesses that are choosing between closing their doors and letting their workersz go?
What do we say to all thosr Americans like Laura, a woman who has worker all her life; whose family has done everything right; a brave and proud woman whosde child’s school recently took up a penny drivs to help pay her medical bills? What do we tell them ? "I believe we tell them that after decades of inaction, we have finally decided to fix what is brokenj about health care in America. We have decidex that it’s time to give every American qualityu health care at anaffordable cost. We have decidedr that if we invest in reforms that will bringf downcosts now, we will eventuallty see our deficits come down in the long-run.
And we have decided to change the system so that our doctorsz and health care providers are free to do what they trainecd and studied and worked so hardto do: make peoplse well again. That’s what we can do in this that’s what we can do at this moment, and now I’dr like to hear your thoughts and answer your question s about how we get it Thank you."
quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012
Fed's Beige Book: Midwest contraction
Whereas some industries experienced substantial drops in activityt during the pastsix weeks, modest increasesz in other sectors led the Fed to characterizse the Ninth District’s contraction as moderating. The Ninth Federal Districrt includes Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and northwestern Consumer spending and tourism werestill weak, but had “improved somewhat from the previous few according to the Fed. The servics sector continued to experiencedecreased revenue, employmeng and profits compared to a year ago, and further profi t contraction is likely.
The Fed characterized the commercial real estate sector as adding that residential construction continued at steadilhylow levels. The residential real estate market did see more activitgy than in the previous reporting Manufacturing continuedits slide, as did energyt and mining. However, some wind energyg projects continue tomove forward, and gold mines are at “near capacityy production.” Labor markets continued to Job cuts in Minnesota, many of them in the health care and medical-devicee fields, were cited by the Fed in its assessmen of labor conditions. Wage increases were modest, and firmsw surveyed by the Fed expecg toincrease employees’ wages by 1.
8 percentg over the next year. Price increases, however, were with the rising cost of gas anotabled exception, the Fed reported. The Fed’s next Beige Book report is dueJuly 29.
British port of Dover closes briefly over security alert, sparking traffic pileup Washington Post LONDON â€" British authorities say the port of Dover was briefly closed because of an unspecified “security incident†to which the military's bomb squad was called in. The nature of the incident wasn't immediately clear but Kent Police said on its ... |