quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

CU offering digital media program - San Francisco Business Times:

CU will operate the program, called Boulderr Digital Works, in partnership with the pareng company of advertisinggiant , which moved many of its employees from Miamik to a new Boulder office in the past few The parent company is MDC Partners, a Toronto-basedf network of agencies. CU’s Division of Continuinfg Education and Professional Studiesd will operatethe program, which will be open to medias professionals, community members and CU students. The School of Journalism and Mass especially theadvertising faculty, will handlre the academic management. Advertising professor David Slayden will serve asexecutivw director.
Sweden’s Hyper Island, a digital learniny program in Europe, also will be a partnet in the program, with student and faculty The program will start in the fall witha 60-week certificatd program in Digital Arts and Applications are due Aug. 15. Also, startingf in late July, the school will offer 36-hou r immersion Executive Programs in digital fluency forworkint professionals. For more information, visiy http://bdw.colorado.edu.

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