sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012

Harris to buy division from SolaCom Technologies - South Florida Business Journal:

Solcom’s business will become part of Harris’s mission-critical networkes business, which sells customized communications and weather The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of subject toclosing conditions. Harris executives said the acquisition will alloaw the company to address all segments of the air traffic controp voice and data systems market and improve its support of the FederaolAviation Administration’s next-generation air transportation system. Harris is the lead governmeng contractor ona $3.5 billion, 15-year FAA telecommunications infrastructure program contract that was awardex in 2002.
Under that contract, Harrisw is upgrading telecommunications and operations functions at morethan 4,000 FAA facilitiesw nationwide. “We have partnered with SolaCom’s [air traffic control] business for more than a decade and coulrd not be more pleasedd to welcome their employees to theHarrias family,” said John O’Sullivan, vice president of missio n critical networks for Harris. Harris, whicyh is based in Melbourne, Fla., has majorr operations in D.C. and approximately $5 billion in annual revenues and 15,000 employees worldwide.

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