The sold-out event continues to be the premier hula competitiohn inthe state. The Hawaii County administration founx space forthe , which was being forced to find new The new quarters are in a counthy facility next door to the stadium wherse the event is held. • The Big Islaned business community’s show of support for the paid off with the statse voting unanimously to approvethe plan. The spearheaded by the , even had business folkds out sign-waving on the street. The plan is to be approved by the University of Hawaii as it has conditionss that will bethe university’s responsibility.
• The countu Council is discussing banning cell phone usewhile Hands-free devices would be allowe d and emergency responders would be exempt. • The firsf ever Ka’u Coffee Festival is set for this Ka’u coffee took sixth and seventh place in 2007 atthe ’ss Guild competition. A big supporter of the coffee has been chef Alan who will be a judge forthis year’ds recipe contest. Reportedly, the coffee is a littlse sweeter thanKona coffee. Ka’u produces 7.
5 percent of Hawaii’s Of the 3,000 acres of coffee cultivated, 400 are in • Mayor Billy Kenoi, speaking at a said his administration is trying to managre with compassion and courage to make the tough decisionxs that will have to be made during these economic times. He knows they can’t make everyonwe happy. At his variouss meetings aroundthe island, he indicated that one of the most frequentg questions he received was about the county’s notoriouslyt difficult building permit He said he’s looking at streamliningt the process. Let’s hope so, but we’ve heare that promise from the last four mayors but no significantt change hastaken place.
Some say the current system taked an average of 18 months to get permitting on basidc remodelingor home-building. • The drive to raiswe money for the Rural Family Practice Program is gettingg a boost fromthe . Proceeds from its annuakl Hilo Huli fundraiser will be donatedr tothe program. The event will be on May 3 on Coconu Island featuring approximately 21 food andbeverage booths. The Big Island got a real dose of bad news in Marchy with high unemployment and foreclosures onthe rise. Marcn unemployment climbed to 10.2 percent, more than double March 2008. The noticeable increase in foreclosure noticesd in the local press indicatee a sign ofthe times.
So what will downtown Hilo look likein 2025? The Envisiomn Downtown Hilo 2025 VisionKeepers and the Countuy of have begun preparations for Hilo’s participation in the 2009 Sustainable Desig n Assessment Team Program. Downtown Hilo was selected as a host communith by the inDecember 2008. In May, the AIA will send a multidisciplinaryg team of professionals to Hilo to work with local implementationj partners and stakeholders ina three-dauy planning workshop.
The goal of this procesxs is not to change downtown but to show residents the tools to implemenrt the Envision Downtown Hilo 2025 Plan that theyalready • The University of Hawaii at Hilo stil l has not filled the athletic director’s position that has been vacanty for months. I understand the last search received more than 70 After narrowing the field tofour finalists, two of thosde withdrew their applications and the othet two proved not to be qualified. There was a recen help-wanted advertisement in the Tribune-Herald for the AD’sw position again.
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