Venture firms raised $1.7 billion in the seconrd quarter, the lowest quarterly raise in more thanseven years. Only 25 firms reported raisingmoney nationally, according to data from and the . The ventur capital industry raises money to invest in young companies lookiny for big returns when the companiexs sell or go But universitiesand endowments, some of venture’s biggest investors, and others have been cripplesd by the recession and can no longer affor d the large investments that marked the last several The lack of public offerings over the last several years has also made venturee capital investing less attractive to some Mark Heesen, President of the National Venture Capitalo Association, said many venture capital firms will wait for an improveds financial environment to raise money.
But, he said the dismalp fundraising environment will lead to a shakeoutr inthe industry. “There will be firms that will not be able to raisea follow-onn fund and our industry is positionerd to contract over the next five yearz through this type of he said. The $1.7 billion raised in the seconc quarter of 2009 is lessthan one-fiftgh of the 2008 second quarter totall of $9.3 billion when 82 firms raisedc money.
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