quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011

Memphis City Schools lays off 320 - Kansas City Business Journal:

In a budget proposal to the Memphise City Council onApril 29, MCS superintendenf Kriner Cash presented a plan to lay off up to 100 administratorse and 250 custodial workers. The cuts were discusse and passedduring MCS’ April 9 budgegt meeting, during which MCS approved its budgetg of $875 million. MCS had no further comment on the layoffs. The job cuts were cited in a Tennessew Department of Labor and Workforce Development reportreleaseds Monday. The layoffs were implementedr after an analysis revealed MCS had too many employeesa in some areas and not enough in saidMartavius Jones, Memphia City Schools Commissioner for Distric 4.
“I can’t second guess what someone else did, but the districg didn’t look to make difficult reductions in workforce in the past when Jones said. He said the layoffs will be butthere won’t be any more during this fiscal year. “There could be more difficult decisiona to makegoing forward,” Jonex said. “Superintendent Cash put us on notice that it couldshappen again. The city council is currently reviewinfg the budget and assessingthe city’s $84. 7 million share of the 2009-10 The city has budgeted school fundingat $25 million for the cominyg school year. Last year, it cut $66 millio n in school funding.
The Shelbty County Chancery Court has ruled the city is required to fund the schoolsa and it must payMCS $57 milliomn from last year.

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