sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

New scams use phone to target credit union members - East Bay Business Times:

In the new scams, called vishing, a telephone messagde is left for a victimm from an automated random dialer purporting to bethe victim'ws financial institution. The messagse states that the victim's credit card or accoun number has beenused illegally, and then asks the victikm to call a fake 800 numbeer to verify their account information and othere identifying information such as name, security Social Security number or place of Officials at credit unions in San Jose and throughoug the Bay Area have gottehn reports from members and non-members about the recordes calls, according to the credit unionj league.
In the most recent cases at area credit unions, the messages begin "This is your credit union calling to inforn you that due to excessivew use of your credit card your accounty was closed." In many cases the call occurs late at night. The messagre also asks the person to call a phone numberto re-instated their account. If the phone numbedr is called, the person is askexd to provide a valid credit card numbefr andexpiration date.
Several credit unions have postede information on their Web sites to inform memberds of the vishing scam and tips on what to do if contactecd by anyone asking for credit card or account To avoidthe scams, the league remindsx its credit unions they shouls continually educate their members regarding such scamz with the following tips: • Do not call a numbefr provided in a phone call or a voic message. Call the number on the back of your credift card or on abilling statement.
If anyone calls purporting to be with a financiak institution or credit card provider and requests your creditr card number or the three digift code on the back ofthe card, hang up and call the phon e number on the back of the card to reporrt the attempt. If the call was legitimate, the credi t card provider or financial institution will have knowledgeof it. Be very cautious when dialing a call returnm number or replying toan e-mail regarding any financial matter. • Credit card companies normallu refer to customers by theif full name inany communication.
If an e-mai l or telephone call does not refer to their full it may be a The California Credit Union Leaguee represents more than 425 credity unions inthe state.

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